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This album will teach you some of the most popular apologetics concepts through music.



1.  What Happened To His Body? (Resurrection of Jesus)


We know Jesus walked the earth

Because 1st century non-Christian writers wrote about this Man

Like Tacitus, Pliny the Younger, and Lucian of Samosata

And Josephus/ We have proof Jesus/ Was crucified under Pontius Pilate



So non-Christian sources back up the truth that the Bible endorses

That Jesus was crucified on that cross



So what happened to His body in Jerusalem in 30 AD?

He was crucified on Friday, yet hundreds of Jews saw Him risen, bodily

All the Romans and Pharisees had to do to restore peace

Was show the crowd His dead body

And Christianity could never have started

But He rose from the grave



Let me take you back 2,000 years

Let’s imagine the New Testament wasn’t here

What would we know about Jesus from these non-Christian sources?

We’d know He was a wise, and powerful teacher

And that He performed signs and many wonders

That He was crucified under Pontius Pilate on the eve of Passover



So non-Christian sources back up the truth that the Bible endorses

That Jesus was crucified on that cross



So what happened to His body in Jerusalem in 30 AD?

He was crucified on Friday, yet hundreds of Jews saw Him risen, bodily

All the Romans and Pharisees had to do to restore peace

Was show the crowd His dead body

And Christianity could never have started

But He rose from the grave



Why do we think He was raised

On the 3rd day from the grave?

It could have been hallucination

He hypnotized them with His great signs

Or maybe He didn’t really die

Just fainted and woke up inside

Of a tomb or maybe the disciples

Stole His body and then just lied



OK, hold up/ Hold the phones, and stop the presses

First of all, hallucination doesn’t work in a group setting

So that’s debunked, and as far as Jesus never really dying

He was beaten with a whip before He was crucified

Flogged/ This whip was made of metal balls and sharp bones

Dug/ Into His flesh from His shoulders down His back, He

Was/ Bleeding profusely

So you’re saying He laid in a tomb for 3 days

No food or water, and He just magically gets

Up/ Forget about the nails that were driven through His hands?

Forget about the nails through His feet? How could He stand?

And roll back a 2-ton stone

Fight off the Roman guards and walk miles to His disciples

And appear to them bleeding/ Would they think that He rose?

He can barely stand/ That’s the Son of God?

No/ And as far as the disciples stealing the body, why

Would-they-then die for something they knew to be a lie?



So what happened to His body in Jerusalem in 30 AD?

He was crucified on Friday, yet hundreds of Jews saw Him risen, bodily

All the Romans and Pharisees had to do to restore peace

Was show the crowd His dead body

And Christianity could never have started

But He rose from the grave


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2. The Big That Made It Bang (Big Bang Theory)


King of Kings/ He’s the Big that made it bang – BOOM

Jesus the Lord/ He wants to woo you/ Be righteous through you

King of Kings/ He’s the Big that made it bang – BOOM

Jesus the Lord/ And He adores you/ That’s why He died for you



Here’s the truth ya’ll

Either the uni/ Verse has been around eternally/ As you know

Or whatever created it has always been

Before time began/ Before unholy men

Well scientist peeps

Say the universe ain’t been around endlessely

That leaves only one option left that we all see

This universe was made by G-O-D/ Now get free/ Praise the Lord

The Big Bang describes when

Time and/ Space and/ Matter were first contrived

Burst of mayhem when Earth was vacant

The birth of this space/ Dad said, “Let there be light”

Edwin Hubble

Discovered a number

Of red shifted stars and galaxies at night

The red shift of ‘em/ Proved they moved from us

He uncovered this in 1929

This showed the universe was expanding and

Scientists got scared and wanted to abandon it

Cause this pointed to a view handed down

To Christians and Jews of a beginning then

So many dismissed this not cause

Of logic, but because of their philosophi

Cal assumptions/ They didn’t want the

Theological implications of a God but

In 1965 proof was building

When Arno Penzias and Robert Wilson

Found cosmic background radiation filling

Our entire universe, they revealed it

Heat and light from the original mayhem

The Big Bang explosion that ripped through the chambers

Not a flick just based on scriptural statements

This was something physics could demonstrate now



King of Kings/ He’s the Big that made it bang – BOOM

Jesus the Lord/ He wants to woo you/ Be righteous through you

King of Kings/ He’s the Big that made it bang – BOOM

Jesus the Lord/ And He adores you/ That’s why He died for you



Stop – Evolution – let’s talk about it

Start the counting/ 2 evolutions we ought to now be

Aware of/ Macroevolution and micro

One is absolutely science – other is psycho

Brother it’s vital/ That you don’t slip on this pinecone

Microevolution is like doing a cycle

Of dog breeding

It’s obvious

Ya’ll see it/ Re(a)peated

Change within a species/ Our sight shows it

But macroevolution is lies and feces

Macroevolution’s change outside of a species

To which there’s no evidence/ We’re missing the pieces

No transitional fossils to validate between these

Different phyla/ With a guy and a fly

A rhino and tiger

It’s archaeologically futile

Excavators and many technical papers high

Still just as blind/ To the macroevolutionary lie



King of Kings/ He’s the Big that made it bang – BOOM

Jesus the Lord/ He wants to woo you/ Be righteous through you

King of Kings/ He’s the Big that made it bang – BOOM

Jesus the Lord/ And He adores you/ That’s why He died for you



They say we all evolved from bacteria/ This is

Not scientific/ It’s pie in the sky horrific

Tales/ It’s scientism

Well, it’s a mind convinced
Naturalism/ Is all there actually is when the facts aren’t convincing

Failed teaching that leads straight to our kids

Getting taken by the fibs when/ They were made to worship Him

And science suffers too

Cause my professors do align with just a futile

Lying political biased view

that I cannot review or comply with

Cause I am/ A disciple of Zion

The beautiful Lion

High and truly seated by the Mighty and Holy Father/ His highness

I made an alliance with the King

To squash the riots/ And tell their giants to be quiet

Bring the surprising/ good news and ring this tired

Bell as loud as heaven requires

Rap vocals in crowded side walks

Megaphoning them pirates

Barks low inspiring

Preach that the old dead are alive/ And shining like diamonds

As new creations/ A blinding light

New grace-filled pioneers/ Never hiding off to the side

In frightful fear

But relying on the delightful One who rightfully appeared

To the masses/ After sitting in fact

For 3 days in a tomb hewn out of a slab

Of stone/ Now hopeful with the Dad of gigantic hope

Why stand alone

When you can stand with the God of truth



King of Kings/ He’s the Big that made it bang – BOOM

Jesus the Lord/ He wants to woo you/ Be righteous through you

King of Kings/ He’s the Big that made it bang – BOOM

Jesus the Lord/ And He adores you/ That’s why He died for you


3.  That's Called Evidence (Early Church Fathers)


How do we know the New Testament

Was written in the 1st century AD then

We know because Clement of Rome

Wrote a letter in 95 AD where he quotes

From many books we have in the Bible that we hold



How do we know despite what people say

The New Testament was written early anyways

We know because Polycarp wrote a letter in 110

Where he quotes from 18 of the 27 books of our New Testament



That’s called evidence our holy book was written early

So if Jesus died about 30 AD

Within 65 years every New Testament story

Had already been written down for the whole world to read



How do we know the New Testament we read

Was written down in the 1st century AD?

We know because Ignatius wrote a letter in AD 107

Where he quotes from 24 of the 27 books of the New Testament



That’s called evidence our holy book was written early

So if Jesus died about 30 AD

Within 65 years every New Testament story

Had already been written down for the whole world to read



The early church fathers

The disciples of the first disciples help us honestly

Prove to the world the New Testament documents

Were written early cause they quoted them early and often

The world is hurt and caught and

They need Jesus/ Kids offing

Their lives too quick/ Were supposed to be a Saint Paul

Instead of 6 feet deep or killed in abortion

You want world change, let’s bring the Lord back in our schools

Without Him, we are all dead



That’s called evidence our holy book was written early

So if Jesus died about 30 AD

Within 65 years every New Testament story

Had already been written down for the whole world to read


4.  These Facts That I Can Give (Early Church Fathers)


After Jesus ascended into heaven

His disciples went out and preached that He had risen

Fast up from the dead on day 3 and

One of those preaching/ Was Saint John the a

Postle/ And he evangelized too  

And one of those who followed Saint John was a dude

Named Polycarp/ Who had a Godly heart for the truth

And Polycarp lived from 69 to

156/ And He was living in Smyrna, a port

In Asia Minor, and he wrote a letter of sorts

To the church in Philippi in AD110 of course

And He quotes from 18 of the 27 books that are

In our New Testament today/ He wrote them in 110

And if he’s quoting the New Testament, that means again

That it was already penned/ And so we defend

It’s early writing/ So exciting/ We’ve got evidence



We’ve got the words of hope

Eternity, faith and grace, yeah

And we know they were written so close

To the events they describe of my Savior

Oh – so bump the lies they’re teaching all of our kids now up in the grade school

No – Because we’re calling them out one at a time in these debates now

Whoa – you can’t argue with these facts that I can give



Let’s talk Ignatius/ Who was based in

Antioch, our next great church father who basic

Ally wrote a letter too in a candle-lit basement

And he praises Christ the King, amazing

He was born soon after Christ rose in AD

35 and was age 107 when he was taken

He wrote a letter though/ That today is legible

He wrote it in AD 107, as his death approached

He quotes from/ 24 awesome/ Books of our modern

New Testament we read in the morning

That’s 24 of 27

Written in 107

You can do the math son/ Early this was drafted

Jesus’ passion/ In the 30s happened

Clement of Rome in 95 AD crafts a

Letter quoting many books as well, pull the mask off

The New Testament was written early so stop attacking it



We’ve got the words of hope

Eternity, faith and grace, yeah

And we know they were written so close

To the events they describe of my Savior

Oh – so bump the lies they’re teaching all of our kids now up in the grade school

No – Because we’re calling them out one at a time in these debates now

Whoa – you can’t argue with these facts that I can give



A manuscript is/ Strictly a copy of a docu

Ment man/ It can show you ancient Gospels

The more manuscripts you possess, the more author

Itative cause you can compare them to each other

To see if there are differences in the way it’s composed

With the other copies/ Or if they agree proper

Ly/ And nobody’s got more than the Bible

Over 6,000 Greek manuscripts or copies, yo

Plus/ Another 20,000-plus

In other languages, and they match so we trust

Them with our whole hearts, minds and spirits

Thus, we follow wholeheartedly Jesus

A must/ He died in the 30s on a cross

His followers wrote about it clearly on papyrus

And we have on paper what their eyes thus witnessed

Jesus rising up from the dead for us/ Yes



We’ve got the words of hope

Eternity, faith and grace, yeah

And we know they were written so close

To the events they describe of my Savior

Oh – so bump the lies they’re teaching all of our kids now up in the grade school

No – Because we’re calling them out one at a time in these debates now

Whoa – you can’t argue with these facts that I can give


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5. Fine Tuning


The universe has an expansion rate

How fast it’s been expanding/ If this rate changed

By more than 1 in 10 to-the-37th, there’d be no planets

No land masses to annex/ No plants to grant us

Oxygen/ So of course, no land animals

Sea mammals or men with big mandibles

If the mass density or

Density of matter in the universe altered

By more than 1 in 10 to the 59th  

Then you would not be alive

There’d be no planets outside

No pancakes and no pie

No planned escapes or cold ice/ No life

You think that precision of a mathematician

Was just magically that efficient?/ It points to our Dad in heaven

The ratio of electrons to protons

Must be exact in both their

Mass and also their numbers, or no crumbs

No planets would grow up/ And no suns

If the value of this ratio/ Did amount to

A change of one in 10 to the 37th power

No life would exist/ If the ratio between

The electromagnetic force and gravity

Were altered by more than 1 in 10 to the 40th

No universe would have come forth/ It’s God, my audience



It’s Fine Tuning

Oh you don’t see it, or are you blind to it?

There’s no mistaking that the night sky proves it

Stars shine so brightly through it/ I knew it

God You did it so beautifully/ Fine-tuned indeed

By a Superhuman – That’s G-O-D

He’ll take you from the bottom to the T-O-P

And He’ll step on and squash all of your enemies



Our Milky/ Way Galaxy, hey

Is an elegant spiral while the majority

Are elliptical/ Or irregular typical

Ly/ If we were just a tiny

Bit larger or were irregular our

Nucleus would release a pile of de

Structive radiation/ Matter harmful to homosapiens

As well as the whole order of created things

Consider the fact/ That the Milky Way is packed

Large and sparse enough to prevent impacts

Gravitational crashes and collisions with factions

Of other solar systems it passes

And yet small and dense enough to have true usage

To allow star formation from gas infusion

If our sun was any more massive, that would prove it to

Burn too rapidly

But any less, that’d

Cause a number of gravi

Tational problems that would result

That’s cause God established us with hope

Out of the dust of the earth

Built the planet/ He birthed it

So we could marvel and worship

King Jesus/ The Word, yes



It’s Fine Tuning

Oh you don’t see it, or are you blind to it?

There’s no mistaking that the night sky proves it

Stars shine so brightly through it/ I knew it

God You did it so beautifully/ Fine-tuned indeed

By a Superhuman – That’s G-O-D

He’ll take you from the bottom to the T-O-P

And He’ll step on and squash all of your enemies



There’s over 200 of these anthropic constants

Things that can’t be accomplished differently or we would not exist

Like Jupiter with its gravitational field

Redirects asteroids and cosmic debris, so we don’t get killed

This is called fine-tuning/ It’s Jesus revealed

It’s the rhythm of nature/ It’s the voice of the Builder

If Earth was slightly more distant or closer to

The sun, we’d melt or freeze/ Which dose do you

Want/ A stable water cycle would be impossible

To have/ Without God we’ve got infinite obstacles

If Earth rotated slower, our nights would be too cold

And our days would be too hot/ And life would quickly go

If it rotated faster then yes the

Wind speeds would just be too extreme/ For us beings

If Earth’s gravity were stronger, we’d have death pains

Our atmosphere would have too much ammonia and methane

If our Earth’s gravity were weaker/ Earth couldn’t retain

Enough water, so as you can see/ We need a Savior

Jesus the King Major/ Too many haters

They all need Him to save them/ With His amazing grace



It’s Fine Tuning

Oh you don’t see it, or are you blind to it?

There’s no mistaking that the night sky proves it

Stars shine so brightly through it/ I knew it

God You did it so beautifully/ Fine-tuned indeed

By a Superhuman – That’s G-O-D

He’ll take you from the bottom to the T-O-P

And He’ll step on and squash all of your enemies


6. If There's No God (Moral Argument)


If there’s no God (Let me tell ya)

And we all evolved from animals, why (You need to know it)

Is it wrong to trample on someone’s rights? (They’ve been lying)

The fact that we know it’s wrong proves that God’s alive

(You need to hear the voice of God’s design)

If there’s no God (Let me tell ya)

Then there’s no such thing as right or wrong (You need to know it)

It’s all a matter of our opinions (They’ve been lying)

Objective moral standards prove God’s alive

(You need to hear the voice of God’s design)



Some societies love their neighbors

Others eat their neighbors, why should we

Say that one is better or worse if there’s no G-O-D

Then morals just become our opinions


But some things are clearly wrong

Like slavery, or rape, or murdering your brother, ya’ll

So if there’s things we can all agree are way off

Congratulations, you just proved that God is real



If there’s no God (Let me tell ya)

And we all evolved from animals, why (You need to know it)

Is it wrong to trample on someone’s rights? (They’ve been lying)

The fact that we know it’s wrong proves that God’s alive

(You need to hear the voice of God’s design)

If there’s no God (Let me tell ya)

Then there’s no such thing as right or wrong (You need to know it)

It’s all a matter of our opinions (They’ve been lying)

Objective moral standards prove God’s alive

(You need to hear the voice of God’s design)



When I say wrong, I’m not just talking about what the law says

There’s things that are wrong regardless of laws, yes

These are called objective moral distinctions

I think we’d all agree across the board that rape is wrong, no matter where your city

Or where you grew up, it’s wrong to torture children, but that means

That someone outside of us put that inside of us, amen



If there’s no God (Let me tell ya)

And we all evolved from animals, why (You need to know it)

Is it wrong to trample on someone’s rights? (They’ve been lying)

The fact that we know it’s wrong proves that God’s alive

(You need to hear the voice of God’s design)

If there’s no God (Let me tell ya)

Then there’s no such thing as right or wrong (You need to know it)

It’s all a matter of our opinions (They’ve been lying)

Objective moral standards prove God’s alive

(You need to hear the voice of God’s design)



We all believe in objective moral standards

Things we could all say were wrong regardless of where we’re standing

Regardless of our culture/ Regardless of our laws

We’d all agree rape or torturing children is wrong

But without God, you can’t say anything is evil

If there’s no God, there’s no right or wrong, it’s all evil

It’s people’s opinions, or societies of people of course

But who are you to judge a man who’s attracted to a horse?

Or pedophiles or rapists?

Or people who like to murder?

It might be against the law, but are they really wrong for it?

Not if there’s no God/ There is no right or wrong

There are no morals greater than our opinions

But of course we know it’s wrong

And not just against the law

To beat a child bad as they’re lying on the floor

Well if you can make just one statement about anything being wrong

You’ve also just proven there’s a God, now sing this song



If there’s no God (Let me tell ya)

And we all evolved from animals, why (You need to know it)

Is it wrong to trample on someone’s rights? (They’ve been lying)

The fact that we know it’s wrong proves that God’s alive

(You need to hear the voice of God’s design)

If there’s no God (Let me tell ya)

Then there’s no such thing as right or wrong (You need to know it)

It’s all a matter of our opinions (They’ve been lying)

Objective moral standards prove God’s alive

(You need to hear the voice of God’s design)


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7. Why Do We Think? (Extrabiblical Evidence For Jesus)


The non-Christian/ Sources

Who reported on Christ living

And of course His crucifixion

I’ll list them to you

The first is important

Pliny the Younger

He wrote a fine-written sum of the

Events happening in front of him

On Christians and their worship

We’ve got his letter that he wrote in 110/ To emperor Trajan

He penned it and made then

Some key observations

Of 1st century Christians worshipping Christ, Amen

What about Josephus?

He was born in 37 AD

And he was a Jewish priest    

See he wrote about how Jesus

Died on a cross

Overseen by Pontius

Pilate/ So we all trust

In the scriptural thesis because it’s backed up

By non-Christian priests living in that period

They all list the things we read in this great book

That Jesus the King died and was raised up



Why do we think Jesus died on a cross, ya’ll?

Just because the Bible says it in the Gospels?

No, because we’ve got non-Christian sources

Who wrote about it in their books/ Non-Christian authors

Like Tacitus, who wrote The Annals or also

Josephus, or Pliny the Younger/ All told

5 ancient non-Christian sources who all pro

Claim Christ was crucified

On a cross for you and I



Let’s continue/ On this menu

Gaius Tacitus

He was a master his

Torian/ Of the past oh yes

He was from Rome

Was known to report the facts of events

And guess what? He mentions Christ and His passion - death

Tacitus was born in 56 AD

Roman historian who wrote a book we sift today

Called the Annals/ Exploring the holy Christian claim

That Jesus died on a cross/ What else can I say?

You want more? Look up Lucian

Or go ahead and Google Mara Bar Serapion

And don’t forget to marvel at the Babylonian

Talmud/ Now how did all of these people say the same things

If it was all a lie/ Best believe that it happened

Christ died on the cross then rose as His passion

Died to turn a sinner to a saint by His sacrament

That’s why we dance and sing for joy, laughing and



Why do we think Jesus died on a cross, ya’ll?

Just because the Bible says it in the Gospels?

No, because we’ve got non-Christian sources

Who wrote about it in their books/ Non-Christian authors

Like Tacitus, who wrote The Annals or also

Josephus, or Pliny the Younger/ All told

5 ancient non-Christian sources who all pro

Claim Christ was crucified

On a cross for you and I


8. Jesus Is Coming (Divinity of Jesus)



Does claim to be God from above

Reigning as true King/ It’s obvious

In John 5:23/ Yup

Read it and listen all my Christians

Your mission is testifying

Jesus says that anyone

Who does not honor the Son

Does not honor the father/ Umm

I bet He knew who He was

In John 5:19/ Christ assures us 

That He does what the Father does

And in verse 21, He sure was

Clear that He’ll judge all people/ Word up

And In Matthew 14:24

The disciples see Jesus on the water

Casually walking, and say, “Truly you are

The Son of God.”/ And Jesus didn’t order

Them to stop/ Though this made Him a divine rival

Even though that’s clearly rotten blasphemy in the Hebrew Bible

And in Matthew 28:18

Jesus says , “All authority

In heaven and on earth has been given to Me.”

More than just a man, wouldn’t you agree?

Yup-Yes/ Have you seen/ Hebrews 1:6 says

All the angels do worship Him

And Philippians 2:10 reads

“At the Name of Jesus, every knee

Will bend in heaven and earth, and under

The earth and also every tongue will

Confess that Jesus Christ is Lord

Clearly Jesus claims to be more/ Than just a man

He’s the King and Lord forever



I’m not wasting my time with people lying on the Lord

Some are saying He never tried to claim to be more

But go and pick up your Bible and you will see for sure

That He knew Who He was as eternal King and Lord


Chorus 2:

Oh – Jesus is coming

Oh – As King and Lord, ya’ll

Oh – Jesus is coming

Oh – He died for ya’ll



Let the well keep bursting

Revelation 5:12 through 13

Read it closely – it says “Worthy

Is the Lamb that was slain to receive

Power, riches, wisdom and might and honor

And glory and blessing to Him who sits on the

Throne, and to the Lamb, be blessing and glory

And dominion forever, Amen/ The story

And message of the New Testament is quite clear

There is no guessing it

We’ve shown that offering worship to Christ

Of the sort reserved for the Lord God is right

And perfectly appropriate

Jesus’ disciples worshipped Him as the hope we get

The angels worshipped Him and we know that

Everyone will worship Him eventually

And it’s unique indeed

When we read John 14:14

Jesus says, “Whatever you

Ask in My Name, that I will do.”

Looks like He knew/ Who He was



I’m not wasting my time with people lying on the Lord

Some are saying He never tried to claim to be more

But go and pick up your Bible and you will see for sure

That He knew Who He was as eternal King and Lord


Chorus 2:

Oh – Jesus is coming

Oh – As King and Lord, ya’ll

Oh – Jesus is coming

Oh – He died for ya’ll




What’s/ The meaning of this?

The repercussions/ Are that Jesus

Was the divine Seed from above

The Son of God/ That demons run from

He was chilling with Adam/ Before the fall of matter

He automatically shoveled gravity happily onto our planet

Jesus/ Claimed to be be

Fore time began/ Older than 3-3

The Son of Man was living easy

As part of the Trinity, believe me

But the Son of God left his throne to redeem

Man to Himself/ Beat hell to free we

Nailed to a cross by His hands and feet, He

Hung till all His blood was poured out freely



I’m not wasting my time with people lying on the Lord

Some are saying He never tried to claim to be more

But go and pick up your Bible and you will see for sure

That He knew Who He was as eternal King and Lord


Chorus 2:

Oh – Jesus is coming

Oh – As King and Lord, ya’ll

Oh – Jesus is coming

Oh – He died for ya’ll


9. Liar, Lord, or Lunatic (Divinity of Jesus)


He’s either liar or lunatic, or He’s telling the truth



Where does Jesus claim to be God?

Mark 14:62



He can’t just be a good teacher

He’s either liar or lunatic, or He’s telling the truth



Over 80 times He’s called the

Son of Man in the New Testament/ Go on and read

The scriptures that testify of Him in Daniel 7:13

And 14 to find out/ What the Son of Man is about

The eternal Son of God, found

Oh He knew Who He was – Oh

The King of Kings/ Now I know whose I am – Oh

Child of the King



Where does Jesus claim to be God?

John 8:58 is for you/ Or John 5:18 will do



He can’t just be a good teacher

He’s either liar or lunatic, or He’s telling the truth



Over 80 times He’s called the

Son of Man in the New Testament/ Go on and read

The scriptures that testify of Him in Daniel 7:13

And 14 to find out/ What the Son of Man is about

The eternal Son of God, found

Oh He knew Who He was – Oh

The King of Kings/ Now I know whose I am – Oh

Child of the King



Oh there’s a reason the high priest tore his clothes

Oh there’s a reason He multiplied the fish and loaves

Oh there’s a reason that He died and that He rose

He is God/ God the Son

Oh there’s a reason He can make you brand new

Take all the shame and sin and remove it from you

Oh there’s a reason that there’s still an empty tomb

He is Lord/ King Jesus



He can’t just be a good teacher

He’s either liar or lunatic, or He’s telling the truth



Over 80 times He’s called the

Son of Man in the New Testament/ Go on and read

The scriptures that testify of Him in Daniel 7:13

And 14 to find out/ What the Son of Man is about

The eternal Son of God, found

Oh He knew Who He was – Oh

The King of Kings/ Now I know whose I am – Oh

Child of the King


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10. Bacterial Flagellum (Irreducible Complexities)


Charles Darwin said if it could be demonstrated that any complex organ existed which could not possibly have been formed by numerous, successive slight modifications, my theory, Darwinian Evolution, would completely break down



Introducing the bac-bac-terial flagellum

Talking about the bac-bac

Talking about the bac-bac

It’s the bac-bacterial flagellum



The bacterial flagellum proves

The Darwinian Evolution they’re teaching in our schools

Is dead wrong/ The errors of evo

Lution they sell us/ Sends us headlong into hell but

Some bacteria swim by rotating their flagella

The bacterial flagellum’s like a rotary propeller

The way it moves/ Is like something blower air in your cellar

They say it’s truly/ The most efficient motor developed

That it moves/ Much different than a cilium, fellas

Ciliums still need help/ They act more like an oar

But the flagellum leads well/ It’s like a motor

Rotating rapidly, wow/ The flagellum is a long chorded

Hairlike filament, developed/ By the Lord/ It’s gorgeous/ Honestly



It’s got a rotor that rotates, a stationary stator

Over 40 different parts in this amazing innovation

Can’t be evolution that brought it about

It points to God Almighty with unlimited power

It’s the bac-bacterial

Flagellum/ Here we go

I drop the facts on your stereo

So you can spread this news all across the globe



The flagellum is embedded in the cell mem/ brane/ Important

Incredible/ So cool and alluring

The external/ Filament is admittedly

Consisting exquisitely/ Of a single type of protein that’s fitting, see

Cause it’s called Flagellin/ Let’s explain its workings vividly

Flagellin filament’s the paddle surface, definitely

Contacting the liquid during swimming/ That’s purposefully

At the end of the flagellum filament near the cell’s surface you see

There’s a bulge in the thickness/ Of the flagellum/ Oh it’s this

Bulge though where the filament attaches so quick, yes

To the rotor drive/ This is codified by the science

This whole defined attachment material would be comprised then

Of something called a hook protein, so exciting

The motor rotating the filament propeller’s occupying

A location at the base of the flagellum/ This is vital

Hope you get insight by the wisdom in this rhyme yo

This is right where modern electron

Microscopy shows several ring structures

Occur/ Hope you get it/ This is the recipe

Of an irreducible complexity



It’s got a rotor that rotates, a stationary stator

Over 40 different parts in this amazing innovation

Can’t be evolution that brought it about

It points to God Almighty with unlimited power

It’s the bac-bacterial

Flagellum/ Here we go

I drop the facts on your stereo

So you can spread this news all across the globe



The M-Ring’s the motor/ S-Ring the stator/ It’s apparent and

Biochemists were shocked at the rotary nature in experiments

Unlike other systems or scanned components we characterize

Like muscles that generate mechanical motion/ There is this

Bacterial-motor that does not directly

Use energy stored up that’s all supplied and ready

in-a-carrier molecule such as ATP/ I can see

To move the flagellum, it uses the energy

Generated/ So incredibly activated of course

By a flow of acid

Through the bacterial membrane/ Because it’s

Made of at least 3 irrefutable parts/ There’s

A paddle, rotor, and motor, it’s irreducibly complex

And there’s about 40 other proteins we assess

Are needed for function

Signals to turn the motor on and off plus

The bushing proteins to allow the flagellum

To penetrate through the cell membrane and cell wall

Proteins to assist in the assembly of the structure

And proteins regulating the production

Of the proteins for the flagellum/ That’s the recipe

Of an irreducible complexity

Which is a complex system that’s useless if it’s missing

One part like a mousetrap with no spring

That’s an irreducible complexity

The bacterial flagellum points to God, now sing



It’s got a rotor that rotates, a stationary stator

Over 40 different parts in this amazing innovation

Can’t be evolution that brought it about

It points to God Almighty with unlimited power

It’s the bac-bacterial

Flagellum/ Here we go

I drop the facts on your stereo

So you can spread this news all across the globe


11. How The Eye Sees (Complexity)


Let me tell you how the eye sees/ It shows God

When light strikes the retina, a photon

Interacts with a small molecule called

11 cis retinal/ Let’s move forward

This molecule

Rearrang-es within picoseconds to

Go quickly to make transretinal

A picosecond

Is the time passing

For light to travel

A human hair

That’s super small

The change in the shape of the retinal

Molecule forces

A change in the shape contour yes

Of the protein rhodopsin/ Of course which

Was tightly bound to the retina

The-protein rhodopsin’s metamorphosis

Alters its behavior/ Thus

This makes it stick to another protein called transducin, yup



Hey/ This is how the eye sees

More complex than an SUV

Creation of God in biochemistry

So we can see beauty in our E-Y-Es


This is Jesus cre

Ating our ability to S-E-E

You don’t really think that these processes

Happened by chance, it was G-O-D



Now before bumping into acti

Vated rhodopsin, transducin had then

Tightly bound a small molecule that is

Called GDP

Listen close/ So you can grasp this easily

When transducin interacts with acti

Vated rhodopsin, the GDP actua

Lly falls off fast and a molecule that is

Called GTP binds-to-transducin/ Facts

Now GTP is closely related

To GDP but also they are

Critically different, guys

GTP-transducin-activated rhodopsin now binds

To a protein called phospho/ Diesterase

That we both see is all lo/ Cated in the inner membrane

Of the cell/ And-there’s-more-to-grasp to see

Shout out to Michael Behe in this R-A-P



Hey/ This is how the eye sees

More complex than an SUV

Creation of God in biochemistry

So we can see beauty in our E-Y-Es


This is Jesus cre

Ating our ability to S-E-E

You don’t really think that these processes

Happened by chance, it was G-O-D



Now let’s stay on topic

When the phospho/ Diesterase is attached to activated rhodopsin

And its entourage, the phosphodiester

Ase acquires the ability to chemically lacer

Ate or cut a molecule that is

Called cGMP/ This happens to

Be a chemical relative of

Both GDP and GTP/ Initi

Ally there are a lot of cGM

P molecules in the cell but wait man

The phosphodiesterase lowers its concentration

Just like a basic

Pulled plug lowers the water in a bathtub

These steps all happen when we casually see a glass cup

And there’s more, keep grasping the rhyme and beat

Another membrane protein the binds the c

GMP is called/ The ion channel

It acts as a gateway

That regulates a

Certain number of sodium ions

That are all in the vital

Cell/ Normally guys the

Appropriate ion

Channel goes and allows

These sodium ions to flow into the cell while

A separate protein actively pumps them out

These are just some of the steps that give us vision now



Hey/ This is how the eye sees

More complex than an SUV

Creation of God in biochemistry

So we can see beauty in our E-Y-Es


This is Jesus cre

Ating our ability to S-E-E

You don’t really think that these processes

Happened by chance, it was G-O-D



The dual action

Of the ion channel that’s there

And the pump keeps the level of the mass of

Sodium ions that the cell has all

Within a narrow range/ Dazzling

Grasp it/ When the amount of

CGMP is reduced because

Of cleavage by the phosphodies

Terase, then the ion channel does

Close, causing the concentration

Of those/ Positively charged sodium


To be reduced/ This reduction

Of the sodium ions causes just an

Imbalance of charge then across this

Cell membrane that finally causes

A current to be transmitted down the

Optic nerve to the brain/ It’s not chance/ It’s G-O/ D



Hey/ This is how the eye sees

More complex than an SUV

Creation of God in biochemistry

So we can see beauty in our E-Y-Es


This is Jesus cre

Ating our ability to S-E-E

You don’t really think that these processes

Happened by chance, it was G-O-D


12. Mr. Teacher (DNA)


Those schools want you to be closed

Following their rules, never questioning what they wrote

But no/ Cause they don’t teach on the Lord

They want us to believe we came from monkeys in the forest



No, the information inside

Of the simplest DNA molecule is like

1,000 30-volume encyclopedias, so where’d that come from?



Oh Mr. Teacher, where’d that information

Come from in the very first DNA

Mr. Teacher, where’d we get that information

In the very first DNA

You say because I believe God exists

I must be dumber than a pile of bricks

So if evolution proves that I’m dumb

Where’d the first DNA get that information from


Chorus 2:

Watch his eyes explode

Watch his head blow

Watch the smoke rise up too

As he kicks you out of his classroom



Did you know that there’s actually 2 types of evolution

Micro and macro – may seem confusing

Micro’s like dog-breeding

Evolution within a species, ya’ll see it

But there’s no evidence

Of evolution happening outside of a species

Oh ask your teacher this question then

Well how did we get all of this complexity?



Oh Mr. Teacher, where’d that information

Come from in the very first DNA

Mr. Teacher, where’d we get that information

In the very first DNA

You say because I believe God exists

I must be dumber than a pile of bricks

So if evolution proves that I’m dumb

Where’d the first DNA get that information from


Chorus 2:

Watch his eyes explode

Watch his head blow

Watch the smoke rise up too

As he kicks you out of his classroom


Watch his eyes explode

Watch his head blow

Watch the smoke rise up too

As he kicks you out of his classroom



Oh Mr. Teacher, where’d that information

Come from in the very first DNA

Mr. Teacher, where’d we get that information

In the very first DNA

You say because I believe God exists

I must be dumber than a pile of bricks

So if evolution proves that I’m dumb

Where’d the first DNA get that information from


Chorus 2:

Watch his eyes explode

Watch his head blow

Watch the smoke rise up too

As he kicks you out of his classroom


Watch his eyes explode

Watch his head blow

Watch the smoke rise up too

As he kicks you out of his classroom


13. Also Our Minds (Objective vs. Subjective Truth)


Some people say truth can’t be known/ That’s bonkers

See to make that statement proves you’re wrong, cause

You’re saying it’s true that there’s no truth/ Put on your binoculars

Can’t you see the discrepancy you’re offering

Do you see the contradiction?

Your statement claims truth’s a constant fiction

Yet at the same time, you think what you are spitting

Is true/ That error’s self-inflicted

A self-defeating statement/ A sinking pavement

Self-refuting/ Means it doesn’t make sense

Doesn’t satisfy its own standards of reasoning

It’s like saying, “No words I write have meaning”

Well does that mean something, pumpkin

Peep wisdom kid/ So we can defeat the bupkis

Moral relativists have attacked our institutions, yes

I’m dropping facts up on this song

I’ve got to ask you a question

Did you know there was a difference split

Between objective truth and al

So subjective truth/ I’ll tell you more

But you’ve got to listen closely

The world is trying to brainwash ya

And I’m here to bring you that Holy Ghost fire

Prophesied by Elijah



Jesus You gave us life

You paid the ultimate sacrifice

We love You with not just our hearts but also our minds

Now and forever, King Jesus



Objective truth/ Means it’s true about the

Object in question, like announcing

That ice cream is made with cream / No doubt, yup

It’s true whether or not I believe it is, while

Subjective truth is true of the person

Making the statement like if my verse said

“Ice cream’s the best”/ That’s subjective

It’s true about me/ The subject, yet it’s

Not an objective truth I’m stating

It’s important when communicating

To separate these ordered two to stay in

Their respective corners of containment

People making all sorts of these claims that

Are just their opinions dressed as plain truth

Those are subjective demonstrations

But when I say that God exists, I’m making

An objective statement

Because without God there’s no objectivity

There is nothing objective that could be

True/ Just our opinions and our feelings

You need a standard outside of us

To compare us to/ Straight line far from us

That we can try to come up to

That straight line is God the Father Who loves us



Jesus You gave us life

You paid the ultimate sacrifice

We love You with not just our hearts but also our minds

Now and forever, King Jesus


To Buy This Album, Click Here


14. Scholars Say (1 Corinthians 15)


1 Corinthians 15:3-8

Is a creed that says Jesus died on a cross and rose the 3rd day


Pre 1:

It says He appeared to Peter and the 12, then 500 at once

And He appeared to James, and last of all to Paul



Scholars say Paul received this creed He copied only

About 3 to 8 years after Jesus was crucified

So if Paul received it soon after the cross

Then it was circulating the early church before

So Christians were dying in the 30s AD

For the fact that Jesus rose on day 3



1 Corinthians 15:3-8

Is a creed that Paul includes in His letter to the Corinthians with peace and grace


Pre 2:

Paul writes this letter in about 54 AD

But this creed from verses 3 through 8 is dated much earlier



Scholars say Paul received this creed He copied only

About 3 to 8 years after Jesus was crucified

So if Paul received it soon after the cross

Then it was circulating the early church before

So Christians were dying in the 30s AD

For the fact that Jesus rose on day 3



It’s too early for legend/ Just a few years after Jesus rose

This creed is a weapon/ To slay the lies that our scripture’s too old

So let the kingdom of heaven/ Erupt in your life

No more half-stepping/ I’m all in for Jesus Christ



Scholars say Paul received this creed He copied only

About 3 to 8 years after Jesus was crucified

So if Paul received it soon after the cross

Then it was circulating the early church before

So Christians were dying in the 30s AD

For the fact that Jesus rose on day 3


15. Transgender


Transgender/ Or gender dysphoria’s real

We can’t ignore it is

But we can’t forget that

There’s only 0.6% who identify this as normal

So let’s cancel the agenda

Or my religious freedom won’t be tolerated no less

So I’ll stand for my God, country

You can’t take my freedom, my guns, or my Jesus, yes



Gender dysphoria is when someone is upset because they were

Biologically assigned a boy but they

Really feel like they should be a girl but yo

That is abnormal and

That has been treated for ages

As psychologically induced or created

But now they are forcing it down in our grade schools

To not just tolerate it/ But make all of us change our ways and

How dare I speak up, it’s insulting

I should be banned in this cancel culture

Crazy right-winger like Ann Coulter

Shut down his Facebook/ Knock him off his soap box/ Let’s go now

But there’s no attack on conservatives

Just cause they’re the only ones getting censored in this

Ayatollah Komeini could say to murder Jews

And not a peep/ His tweet would be heard and shared/ But let’s get back to



Transgender/ Or gender dysphoria’s real

We can’t ignore it is

But we can’t forget that

There’s only 0.6% who identify this as normal

So let’s cancel the agenda

Or my religious freedom won’t be tolerated no less

So I’ll stand for my God, country

You can’t take my freedom, my guns, or my Jesus, yes



The question emerging/ If gender is biologically determined

How do we account for people whose gender can

Change from one day to the next

From hour to hour/ Minute to minute

And yet/ If our gender identity is

Self-created, why must others accept

Our truth as their reality

Where’s the science experiment touting these?

Explain why a person’s real sex is determined

By just an inner gender identity

But age, height, and further race, and species certainly

Are not determined this way/ How interesting

Now transgender activists could say identity is just an inner sense of self

But if that’s the map for this, then gender identity’s merely a disclosure of how one person felt

Explain to me guys/ Why the feeling of being a male or female

Or both, or neither makes someone that way or why

Transgender beliefs undermine

Reality blind/ It’s a fallacy/ Lie



Transgender/ Or gender dysphoria’s real

We can’t ignore it is

But we can’t forget that

There’s only 0.6% who identify this as normal

So let’s cancel the agenda

Or my religious freedom won’t be tolerated no less

So I’ll stand for my God, country

You can’t take my freedom, my guns, or my Jesus, yes



Oh why would I open this prison

Well they’re starting our children with social transitioning

In kindergarten they’re starting to physically

Alter our kids, even if parents aren’t listening

They’re giving puberty blockers at 9

If your girls a tomboy, sorry, now she’s a Tom

Cross-sex hormones at 16, surgery applied

Forget that these drugs have long-term health issues?

Why are we so blind?

80 to 95% of children

Not pressured to change grow out of that feeling

I don’t want men in bathrooms with our little women

Or boys on field trips sleeping next to your sweet Kristen

I’m sorry/ But there’s a big difference

Between boys and girls, and it is significant

Differences in size, shape, bone length and density

We differ in emotional propensity

People who have had transitional surgery are 19 times more likely to urgently

Strike their own lives/ That’s right, suicide is 19 times more likely to arise

Does that sound like an option that’s effective and

What about girls who compete in athletics?

They would have gotten scholarships paying for college there

Then a boy takes them/ Is that really fair?/ No!



Transgender/ Or gender dysphoria’s real

We can’t ignore it is

But we can’t forget that

There’s only 0.6% who identify this as normal

So let’s cancel the agenda

Or my religious freedom won’t be tolerated no less

So I’ll stand for my God, country

You can’t take my freedom, my guns, or my Jesus, yes


16. Socialism's Not New


What is socialism?

Set-up socialism means that instead of

Me owning my house, the state now is the head of it

You give the power of ownership now to collectivists

So you’re new house is given out to the collective, which

Basically own your home

Manage your house, getting it

Turns out your home pad’s now some bureaucratic debt for the

Government to control how to run your business and home entirely

Cause they have a great track record of spending money wisely

They say it’s different, democratic socialism except that it’s

A carbon clone of normal socialism – no deficit

Except they’ll never support a government other than

The one in which democratic elections are held – how comforting

Why is it that there’s a million people risking their lives

To come into our country if we’re so evil – it’s lies

Of course we’re not perfect, but we are the best country

And socialism fails constantly



Socialism’s not new/ It has never worked in history

Cause it’s a failing system – it’s no mystery

You should do a Google search for it

It always leads to violence and death – look up these reports

Angola in 1977/ Cambodia in 1975

Nazi Germany in the 1930s and 40s

Cuba and China in 1959

Romania in ‘46/ Vietnam in the 1960s

Zimbabwe in ‘83/ Look at Venezuela today

Socialism has never worked and it never will

It’s a system that fails/ Keep free markets in the U.S.A.



What about the Nordic countries?

Like Sweden, Denmark, and Finland

Norway/ Aren’t they brilliance/ Of socialistic resilience

No/ Just think about it/ We’ve got 300 million people

They’ve got 5 to 10 million/ That’s a big deal, yeah

We’ve got 20 states larger or comparable to that figure

You want to be like them?/ 90% of their countries white/ No kidding

Same culture type/ But did you know their tax hikes are ridiculous?

Their lower and middle-income families pay twice our taxes

In Denmark, if you earn $60,000 or more

You pay 60% in taxes, plus more for

A VAT tax of 25% at the store

But at least they have free college, right?

Are you for sure?

70% of their Swedish students take out student loans

And their college graduates only earn 9% more for it

While US graduates earn 65% more silly

But at least they’ve got free health care, right?

Oh really?

In Sweden, more than half of the Swedes

Have private insurance

Cause the government insurance happens to be/ Unsatisfactory

Limited coverage and long waiting periods are baffling

No choice or limited choice on your doctor/ It’s saddening

The average wait for Canadian patients needing

Orthopedic surgery’s 14 weeks of sitting there, grieving

In the United States, it’s 11 days

You really want to wait 3 months to have surgery on your broken leg?



Socialism’s not new/ It has never worked in history

Cause it’s a failing system – it’s no mystery

You should do a Google search for it

It always leads to violence and death – look up these reports

Angola in 1977/ Cambodia in 1975

Nazi Germany in the 1930s and 40s

Cuba and China in 1959

Romania in ‘46/ Vietnam in the 1960s

Zimbabwe in ‘83/ Look at Venezuela today

Socialism has never worked and it never will

It’s a system that fails/ Keep free markets in the U.S.A.



More than a hundred-million

People were killed or imprisoned

By socialist and communist parties in the 20 century

You want free college?/ Why should someone else pay for that conquest

A degree that only benefits you in this laborious contest

Venezuela was the 4th richest/ Nation, a model of core success

In 1960, now it’s the porta potty of socialists

No one looking for economic opportunity

Or liberty is banging down the door of Cuba or Venezuela

Some of the poorest ghettos in America live better than

Most all other people currently walking Earth’s weathered lands

The typical poor US family the census compares

Has A/C, cable, TV and a computer, and cell-phone plans

Just because the rich get richer doesn’t mean it’s unfair

Doesn’t mean the poor get poorer, or their life doesn’t improve with care

Where freedom exists, there will always be inequity found

We can all just think about it/ Put 10 people in a room now

Give them all $100,000 equally, then bounce

Then come back in one year, and see if they’ve all still got equal amounts

One invested, another bought a home, another bought a car

One rose to start a business/ Another drank it away in bars

More than 70% of billionaires didn’t inherit their fortunes

They started businesses, took risks, and changed their family’s courses

Only in Capitalism can this happen to visitors

American’s been freer, safer and wealthier from this

And people are more likely to work harder, efficiently and longer days

When they’re motivated by a reward for themselves and their families

Bill Gates has given over 50 billion dollars away

Without Capitalism, none of this would have been possible today



Socialism’s not new/ It has never worked in history

Cause it’s a failing system – it’s no mystery

You should do a Google search for it

It always leads to violence and death – look up these reports

Angola in 1977/ Cambodia in 1975

Nazi Germany in the 1930s and 40s

Cuba and China in 1959

Romania in ‘46/ Vietnam in the 1960s

Zimbabwe in ‘83/ Look at Venezuela today

Socialism has never worked and it never will

It’s a system that fails/ Keep free markets in the U.S.A.

The Apologetics Music Album Vol. 1 **DIGITAL ALBUM** LINK BELOW**

Welcome to Truth


Downloads include choice of MP3, WAV, or FLAC





This album will teach you some of the most popular apologetics concepts through music.



1.  What Happened To His Body? (Resurrection of Jesus)


We know Jesus walked the earth

Because 1st century non-Christian writers wrote about this Man

Like Tacitus, Pliny the Younger, and Lucian of Samosata

And Josephus/ We have proof Jesus/ Was crucified under Pontius Pilate



So non-Christian sources back up the truth that the Bible endorses

That Jesus was crucified on that cross



So what happened to His body in Jerusalem in 30 AD?

He was crucified on Friday, yet hundreds of Jews saw Him risen, bodily

All the Romans and Pharisees had to do to restore peace

Was show the crowd His dead body

And Christianity could never have started

But He rose from the grave



Let me take you back 2,000 years

Let’s imagine the New Testament wasn’t here

What would we know about Jesus from these non-Christian sources?

We’d know He was a wise, and powerful teacher

And that He performed signs and many wonders

That He was crucified under Pontius Pilate on the eve of Passover



So non-Christian sources back up the truth that the Bible endorses

That Jesus was crucified on that cross



So what happened to His body in Jerusalem in 30 AD?

He was crucified on Friday, yet hundreds of Jews saw Him risen, bodily

All the Romans and Pharisees had to do to restore peace

Was show the crowd His dead body

And Christianity could never have started

But He rose from the grave



Why do we think He was raised

On the 3rd day from the grave?

It could have been hallucination

He hypnotized them with His great signs

Or maybe He didn’t really die

Just fainted and woke up inside

Of a tomb or maybe the disciples

Stole His body and then just lied



OK, hold up/ Hold the phones, and stop the presses

First of all, hallucination doesn’t work in a group setting

So that’s debunked, and as far as Jesus never really dying

He was beaten with a whip before He was crucified

Flogged/ This whip was made of metal balls and sharp bones

Dug/ Into His flesh from His shoulders down His back, He

Was/ Bleeding profusely

So you’re saying He laid in a tomb for 3 days

No food or water, and He just magically gets

Up/ Forget about the nails that were driven through His hands?

Forget about the nails through His feet? How could He stand?

And roll back a 2-ton stone

Fight off the Roman guards and walk miles to His disciples

And appear to them bleeding/ Would they think that He rose?

He can barely stand/ That’s the Son of God?

No/ And as far as the disciples stealing the body, why

Would-they-then die for something they knew to be a lie?



So what happened to His body in Jerusalem in 30 AD?

He was crucified on Friday, yet hundreds of Jews saw Him risen, bodily

All the Romans and Pharisees had to do to restore peace

Was show the crowd His dead body

And Christianity could never have started

But He rose from the grave


To Buy This Album, Click Here

2. The Big That Made It Bang (Big Bang Theory)


King of Kings/ He’s the Big that made it bang – BOOM

Jesus the Lord/ He wants to woo you/ Be righteous through you

King of Kings/ He’s the Big that made it bang – BOOM

Jesus the Lord/ And He adores you/ That’s why He died for you



Here’s the truth ya’ll

Either the uni/ Verse has been around eternally/ As you know

Or whatever created it has always been

Before time began/ Before unholy men

Well scientist peeps

Say the universe ain’t been around endlessely

That leaves only one option left that we all see

This universe was made by G-O-D/ Now get free/ Praise the Lord

The Big Bang describes when

Time and/ Space and/ Matter were first contrived

Burst of mayhem when Earth was vacant

The birth of this space/ Dad said, “Let there be light”

Edwin Hubble

Discovered a number

Of red shifted stars and galaxies at night

The red shift of ‘em/ Proved they moved from us

He uncovered this in 1929

This showed the universe was expanding and

Scientists got scared and wanted to abandon it

Cause this pointed to a view handed down

To Christians and Jews of a beginning then

So many dismissed this not cause

Of logic, but because of their philosophi

Cal assumptions/ They didn’t want the

Theological implications of a God but

In 1965 proof was building

When Arno Penzias and Robert Wilson

Found cosmic background radiation filling

Our entire universe, they revealed it

Heat and light from the original mayhem

The Big Bang explosion that ripped through the chambers

Not a flick just based on scriptural statements

This was something physics could demonstrate now



King of Kings/ He’s the Big that made it bang – BOOM

Jesus the Lord/ He wants to woo you/ Be righteous through you

King of Kings/ He’s the Big that made it bang – BOOM

Jesus the Lord/ And He adores you/ That’s why He died for you



Stop – Evolution – let’s talk about it

Start the counting/ 2 evolutions we ought to now be

Aware of/ Macroevolution and micro

One is absolutely science – other is psycho

Brother it’s vital/ That you don’t slip on this pinecone

Microevolution is like doing a cycle

Of dog breeding

It’s obvious

Ya’ll see it/ Re(a)peated

Change within a species/ Our sight shows it

But macroevolution is lies and feces

Macroevolution’s change outside of a species

To which there’s no evidence/ We’re missing the pieces

No transitional fossils to validate between these

Different phyla/ With a guy and a fly

A rhino and tiger

It’s archaeologically futile

Excavators and many technical papers high

Still just as blind/ To the macroevolutionary lie



King of Kings/ He’s the Big that made it bang – BOOM

Jesus the Lord/ He wants to woo you/ Be righteous through you

King of Kings/ He’s the Big that made it bang – BOOM

Jesus the Lord/ And He adores you/ That’s why He died for you



They say we all evolved from bacteria/ This is

Not scientific/ It’s pie in the sky horrific

Tales/ It’s scientism

Well, it’s a mind convinced
Naturalism/ Is all there actually is when the facts aren’t convincing

Failed teaching that leads straight to our kids

Getting taken by the fibs when/ They were made to worship Him

And science suffers too

Cause my professors do align with just a futile

Lying political biased view

that I cannot review or comply with

Cause I am/ A disciple of Zion

The beautiful Lion

High and truly seated by the Mighty and Holy Father/ His highness

I made an alliance with the King

To squash the riots/ And tell their giants to be quiet

Bring the surprising/ good news and ring this tired

Bell as loud as heaven requires

Rap vocals in crowded side walks

Megaphoning them pirates

Barks low inspiring

Preach that the old dead are alive/ And shining like diamonds

As new creations/ A blinding light

New grace-filled pioneers/ Never hiding off to the side

In frightful fear

But relying on the delightful One who rightfully appeared

To the masses/ After sitting in fact

For 3 days in a tomb hewn out of a slab

Of stone/ Now hopeful with the Dad of gigantic hope

Why stand alone

When you can stand with the God of truth



King of Kings/ He’s the Big that made it bang – BOOM

Jesus the Lord/ He wants to woo you/ Be righteous through you

King of Kings/ He’s the Big that made it bang – BOOM

Jesus the Lord/ And He adores you/ That’s why He died for you


3.  That's Called Evidence (Early Church Fathers)


How do we know the New Testament

Was written in the 1st century AD then

We know because Clement of Rome

Wrote a letter in 95 AD where he quotes

From many books we have in the Bible that we hold



How do we know despite what people say

The New Testament was written early anyways

We know because Polycarp wrote a letter in 110

Where he quotes from 18 of the 27 books of our New Testament



That’s called evidence our holy book was written early

So if Jesus died about 30 AD

Within 65 years every New Testament story

Had already been written down for the whole world to read



How do we know the New Testament we read

Was written down in the 1st century AD?

We know because Ignatius wrote a letter in AD 107

Where he quotes from 24 of the 27 books of the New Testament



That’s called evidence our holy book was written early

So if Jesus died about 30 AD

Within 65 years every New Testament story

Had already been written down for the whole world to read



The early church fathers

The disciples of the first disciples help us honestly

Prove to the world the New Testament documents

Were written early cause they quoted them early and often

The world is hurt and caught and

They need Jesus/ Kids offing

Their lives too quick/ Were supposed to be a Saint Paul

Instead of 6 feet deep or killed in abortion

You want world change, let’s bring the Lord back in our schools

Without Him, we are all dead



That’s called evidence our holy book was written early

So if Jesus died about 30 AD

Within 65 years every New Testament story

Had already been written down for the whole world to read


4.  These Facts That I Can Give (Early Church Fathers)


After Jesus ascended into heaven

His disciples went out and preached that He had risen

Fast up from the dead on day 3 and

One of those preaching/ Was Saint John the a

Postle/ And he evangelized too  

And one of those who followed Saint John was a dude

Named Polycarp/ Who had a Godly heart for the truth

And Polycarp lived from 69 to

156/ And He was living in Smyrna, a port

In Asia Minor, and he wrote a letter of sorts

To the church in Philippi in AD110 of course

And He quotes from 18 of the 27 books that are

In our New Testament today/ He wrote them in 110

And if he’s quoting the New Testament, that means again

That it was already penned/ And so we defend

It’s early writing/ So exciting/ We’ve got evidence



We’ve got the words of hope

Eternity, faith and grace, yeah

And we know they were written so close

To the events they describe of my Savior

Oh – so bump the lies they’re teaching all of our kids now up in the grade school

No – Because we’re calling them out one at a time in these debates now

Whoa – you can’t argue with these facts that I can give



Let’s talk Ignatius/ Who was based in

Antioch, our next great church father who basic

Ally wrote a letter too in a candle-lit basement

And he praises Christ the King, amazing

He was born soon after Christ rose in AD

35 and was age 107 when he was taken

He wrote a letter though/ That today is legible

He wrote it in AD 107, as his death approached

He quotes from/ 24 awesome/ Books of our modern

New Testament we read in the morning

That’s 24 of 27

Written in 107

You can do the math son/ Early this was drafted

Jesus’ passion/ In the 30s happened

Clement of Rome in 95 AD crafts a

Letter quoting many books as well, pull the mask off

The New Testament was written early so stop attacking it



We’ve got the words of hope

Eternity, faith and grace, yeah

And we know they were written so close

To the events they describe of my Savior

Oh – so bump the lies they’re teaching all of our kids now up in the grade school

No – Because we’re calling them out one at a time in these debates now

Whoa – you can’t argue with these facts that I can give



A manuscript is/ Strictly a copy of a docu

Ment man/ It can show you ancient Gospels

The more manuscripts you possess, the more author

Itative cause you can compare them to each other

To see if there are differences in the way it’s composed

With the other copies/ Or if they agree proper

Ly/ And nobody’s got more than the Bible

Over 6,000 Greek manuscripts or copies, yo

Plus/ Another 20,000-plus

In other languages, and they match so we trust

Them with our whole hearts, minds and spirits

Thus, we follow wholeheartedly Jesus

A must/ He died in the 30s on a cross

His followers wrote about it clearly on papyrus

And we have on paper what their eyes thus witnessed

Jesus rising up from the dead for us/ Yes



We’ve got the words of hope

Eternity, faith and grace, yeah

And we know they were written so close

To the events they describe of my Savior

Oh – so bump the lies they’re teaching all of our kids now up in the grade school

No – Because we’re calling them out one at a time in these debates now

Whoa – you can’t argue with these facts that I can give


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5. Fine Tuning


The universe has an expansion rate

How fast it’s been expanding/ If this rate changed

By more than 1 in 10 to-the-37th, there’d be no planets

No land masses to annex/ No plants to grant us

Oxygen/ So of course, no land animals

Sea mammals or men with big mandibles

If the mass density or

Density of matter in the universe altered

By more than 1 in 10 to the 59th  

Then you would not be alive

There’d be no planets outside

No pancakes and no pie

No planned escapes or cold ice/ No life

You think that precision of a mathematician

Was just magically that efficient?/ It points to our Dad in heaven

The ratio of electrons to protons

Must be exact in both their

Mass and also their numbers, or no crumbs

No planets would grow up/ And no suns

If the value of this ratio/ Did amount to

A change of one in 10 to the 37th power

No life would exist/ If the ratio between

The electromagnetic force and gravity

Were altered by more than 1 in 10 to the 40th

No universe would have come forth/ It’s God, my audience



It’s Fine Tuning

Oh you don’t see it, or are you blind to it?

There’s no mistaking that the night sky proves it

Stars shine so brightly through it/ I knew it

God You did it so beautifully/ Fine-tuned indeed

By a Superhuman – That’s G-O-D

He’ll take you from the bottom to the T-O-P

And He’ll step on and squash all of your enemies



Our Milky/ Way Galaxy, hey

Is an elegant spiral while the majority

Are elliptical/ Or irregular typical

Ly/ If we were just a tiny

Bit larger or were irregular our

Nucleus would release a pile of de

Structive radiation/ Matter harmful to homosapiens

As well as the whole order of created things

Consider the fact/ That the Milky Way is packed

Large and sparse enough to prevent impacts

Gravitational crashes and collisions with factions

Of other solar systems it passes

And yet small and dense enough to have true usage

To allow star formation from gas infusion

If our sun was any more massive, that would prove it to

Burn too rapidly

But any less, that’d

Cause a number of gravi

Tational problems that would result

That’s cause God established us with hope

Out of the dust of the earth

Built the planet/ He birthed it

So we could marvel and worship

King Jesus/ The Word, yes



It’s Fine Tuning

Oh you don’t see it, or are you blind to it?

There’s no mistaking that the night sky proves it

Stars shine so brightly through it/ I knew it

God You did it so beautifully/ Fine-tuned indeed

By a Superhuman – That’s G-O-D

He’ll take you from the bottom to the T-O-P

And He’ll step on and squash all of your enemies



There’s over 200 of these anthropic constants

Things that can’t be accomplished differently or we would not exist

Like Jupiter with its gravitational field

Redirects asteroids and cosmic debris, so we don’t get killed

This is called fine-tuning/ It’s Jesus revealed

It’s the rhythm of nature/ It’s the voice of the Builder

If Earth was slightly more distant or closer to

The sun, we’d melt or freeze/ Which dose do you

Want/ A stable water cycle would be impossible

To have/ Without God we’ve got infinite obstacles

If Earth rotated slower, our nights would be too cold

And our days would be too hot/ And life would quickly go

If it rotated faster then yes the

Wind speeds would just be too extreme/ For us beings

If Earth’s gravity were stronger, we’d have death pains

Our atmosphere would have too much ammonia and methane

If our Earth’s gravity were weaker/ Earth couldn’t retain

Enough water, so as you can see/ We need a Savior

Jesus the King Major/ Too many haters

They all need Him to save them/ With His amazing grace



It’s Fine Tuning

Oh you don’t see it, or are you blind to it?

There’s no mistaking that the night sky proves it

Stars shine so brightly through it/ I knew it

God You did it so beautifully/ Fine-tuned indeed

By a Superhuman – That’s G-O-D

He’ll take you from the bottom to the T-O-P

And He’ll step on and squash all of your enemies


6. If There's No God (Moral Argument)


If there’s no God (Let me tell ya)

And we all evolved from animals, why (You need to know it)

Is it wrong to trample on someone’s rights? (They’ve been lying)

The fact that we know it’s wrong proves that God’s alive

(You need to hear the voice of God’s design)

If there’s no God (Let me tell ya)

Then there’s no such thing as right or wrong (You need to know it)

It’s all a matter of our opinions (They’ve been lying)

Objective moral standards prove God’s alive

(You need to hear the voice of God’s design)



Some societies love their neighbors

Others eat their neighbors, why should we

Say that one is better or worse if there’s no G-O-D

Then morals just become our opinions


But some things are clearly wrong

Like slavery, or rape, or murdering your brother, ya’ll

So if there’s things we can all agree are way off

Congratulations, you just proved that God is real



If there’s no God (Let me tell ya)

And we all evolved from animals, why (You need to know it)

Is it wrong to trample on someone’s rights? (They’ve been lying)

The fact that we know it’s wrong proves that God’s alive

(You need to hear the voice of God’s design)

If there’s no God (Let me tell ya)

Then there’s no such thing as right or wrong (You need to know it)

It’s all a matter of our opinions (They’ve been lying)

Objective moral standards prove God’s alive

(You need to hear the voice of God’s design)



When I say wrong, I’m not just talking about what the law says

There’s things that are wrong regardless of laws, yes

These are called objective moral distinctions

I think we’d all agree across the board that rape is wrong, no matter where your city

Or where you grew up, it’s wrong to torture children, but that means

That someone outside of us put that inside of us, amen



If there’s no God (Let me tell ya)

And we all evolved from animals, why (You need to know it)

Is it wrong to trample on someone’s rights? (They’ve been lying)

The fact that we know it’s wrong proves that God’s alive

(You need to hear the voice of God’s design)

If there’s no God (Let me tell ya)

Then there’s no such thing as right or wrong (You need to know it)

It’s all a matter of our opinions (They’ve been lying)

Objective moral standards prove God’s alive

(You need to hear the voice of God’s design)



We all believe in objective moral standards

Things we could all say were wrong regardless of where we’re standing

Regardless of our culture/ Regardless of our laws

We’d all agree rape or torturing children is wrong

But without God, you can’t say anything is evil

If there’s no God, there’s no right or wrong, it’s all evil

It’s people’s opinions, or societies of people of course

But who are you to judge a man who’s attracted to a horse?

Or pedophiles or rapists?

Or people who like to murder?

It might be against the law, but are they really wrong for it?

Not if there’s no God/ There is no right or wrong

There are no morals greater than our opinions

But of course we know it’s wrong

And not just against the law

To beat a child bad as they’re lying on the floor

Well if you can make just one statement about anything being wrong

You’ve also just proven there’s a God, now sing this song



If there’s no God (Let me tell ya)

And we all evolved from animals, why (You need to know it)

Is it wrong to trample on someone’s rights? (They’ve been lying)

The fact that we know it’s wrong proves that God’s alive

(You need to hear the voice of God’s design)

If there’s no God (Let me tell ya)

Then there’s no such thing as right or wrong (You need to know it)

It’s all a matter of our opinions (They’ve been lying)

Objective moral standards prove God’s alive

(You need to hear the voice of God’s design)


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7. Why Do We Think? (Extrabiblical Evidence For Jesus)


The non-Christian/ Sources

Who reported on Christ living

And of course His crucifixion

I’ll list them to you

The first is important

Pliny the Younger

He wrote a fine-written sum of the

Events happening in front of him

On Christians and their worship

We’ve got his letter that he wrote in 110/ To emperor Trajan

He penned it and made then

Some key observations

Of 1st century Christians worshipping Christ, Amen

What about Josephus?

He was born in 37 AD

And he was a Jewish priest    

See he wrote about how Jesus

Died on a cross

Overseen by Pontius

Pilate/ So we all trust

In the scriptural thesis because it’s backed up

By non-Christian priests living in that period

They all list the things we read in this great book

That Jesus the King died and was raised up



Why do we think Jesus died on a cross, ya’ll?

Just because the Bible says it in the Gospels?

No, because we’ve got non-Christian sources

Who wrote about it in their books/ Non-Christian authors

Like Tacitus, who wrote The Annals or also

Josephus, or Pliny the Younger/ All told

5 ancient non-Christian sources who all pro

Claim Christ was crucified

On a cross for you and I



Let’s continue/ On this menu

Gaius Tacitus

He was a master his

Torian/ Of the past oh yes

He was from Rome

Was known to report the facts of events

And guess what? He mentions Christ and His passion - death

Tacitus was born in 56 AD

Roman historian who wrote a book we sift today

Called the Annals/ Exploring the holy Christian claim

That Jesus died on a cross/ What else can I say?

You want more? Look up Lucian

Or go ahead and Google Mara Bar Serapion

And don’t forget to marvel at the Babylonian

Talmud/ Now how did all of these people say the same things

If it was all a lie/ Best believe that it happened

Christ died on the cross then rose as His passion

Died to turn a sinner to a saint by His sacrament

That’s why we dance and sing for joy, laughing and



Why do we think Jesus died on a cross, ya’ll?

Just because the Bible says it in the Gospels?

No, because we’ve got non-Christian sources

Who wrote about it in their books/ Non-Christian authors

Like Tacitus, who wrote The Annals or also

Josephus, or Pliny the Younger/ All told

5 ancient non-Christian sources who all pro

Claim Christ was crucified

On a cross for you and I


8. Jesus Is Coming (Divinity of Jesus)



Does claim to be God from above

Reigning as true King/ It’s obvious

In John 5:23/ Yup

Read it and listen all my Christians

Your mission is testifying

Jesus says that anyone

Who does not honor the Son

Does not honor the father/ Umm

I bet He knew who He was

In John 5:19/ Christ assures us 

That He does what the Father does

And in verse 21, He sure was

Clear that He’ll judge all people/ Word up

And In Matthew 14:24

The disciples see Jesus on the water

Casually walking, and say, “Truly you are

The Son of God.”/ And Jesus didn’t order

Them to stop/ Though this made Him a divine rival

Even though that’s clearly rotten blasphemy in the Hebrew Bible

And in Matthew 28:18

Jesus says , “All authority

In heaven and on earth has been given to Me.”

More than just a man, wouldn’t you agree?

Yup-Yes/ Have you seen/ Hebrews 1:6 says

All the angels do worship Him

And Philippians 2:10 reads

“At the Name of Jesus, every knee

Will bend in heaven and earth, and under

The earth and also every tongue will

Confess that Jesus Christ is Lord

Clearly Jesus claims to be more/ Than just a man

He’s the King and Lord forever



I’m not wasting my time with people lying on the Lord

Some are saying He never tried to claim to be more

But go and pick up your Bible and you will see for sure

That He knew Who He was as eternal King and Lord


Chorus 2:

Oh – Jesus is coming

Oh – As King and Lord, ya’ll

Oh – Jesus is coming

Oh – He died for ya’ll



Let the well keep bursting

Revelation 5:12 through 13

Read it closely – it says “Worthy

Is the Lamb that was slain to receive

Power, riches, wisdom and might and honor

And glory and blessing to Him who sits on the

Throne, and to the Lamb, be blessing and glory

And dominion forever, Amen/ The story

And message of the New Testament is quite clear

There is no guessing it

We’ve shown that offering worship to Christ

Of the sort reserved for the Lord God is right

And perfectly appropriate

Jesus’ disciples worshipped Him as the hope we get

The angels worshipped Him and we know that

Everyone will worship Him eventually

And it’s unique indeed

When we read John 14:14

Jesus says, “Whatever you

Ask in My Name, that I will do.”

Looks like He knew/ Who He was



I’m not wasting my time with people lying on the Lord

Some are saying He never tried to claim to be more

But go and pick up your Bible and you will see for sure

That He knew Who He was as eternal King and Lord


Chorus 2:

Oh – Jesus is coming

Oh – As King and Lord, ya’ll

Oh – Jesus is coming

Oh – He died for ya’ll




What’s/ The meaning of this?

The repercussions/ Are that Jesus

Was the divine Seed from above

The Son of God/ That demons run from

He was chilling with Adam/ Before the fall of matter

He automatically shoveled gravity happily onto our planet

Jesus/ Claimed to be be

Fore time began/ Older than 3-3

The Son of Man was living easy

As part of the Trinity, believe me

But the Son of God left his throne to redeem

Man to Himself/ Beat hell to free we

Nailed to a cross by His hands and feet, He

Hung till all His blood was poured out freely



I’m not wasting my time with people lying on the Lord

Some are saying He never tried to claim to be more

But go and pick up your Bible and you will see for sure

That He knew Who He was as eternal King and Lord


Chorus 2:

Oh – Jesus is coming

Oh – As King and Lord, ya’ll

Oh – Jesus is coming

Oh – He died for ya’ll


9. Liar, Lord, or Lunatic (Divinity of Jesus)


He’s either liar or lunatic, or He’s telling the truth



Where does Jesus claim to be God?

Mark 14:62



He can’t just be a good teacher

He’s either liar or lunatic, or He’s telling the truth



Over 80 times He’s called the

Son of Man in the New Testament/ Go on and read

The scriptures that testify of Him in Daniel 7:13

And 14 to find out/ What the Son of Man is about

The eternal Son of God, found

Oh He knew Who He was – Oh

The King of Kings/ Now I know whose I am – Oh

Child of the King



Where does Jesus claim to be God?

John 8:58 is for you/ Or John 5:18 will do



He can’t just be a good teacher

He’s either liar or lunatic, or He’s telling the truth



Over 80 times He’s called the

Son of Man in the New Testament/ Go on and read

The scriptures that testify of Him in Daniel 7:13

And 14 to find out/ What the Son of Man is about

The eternal Son of God, found

Oh He knew Who He was – Oh

The King of Kings/ Now I know whose I am – Oh

Child of the King



Oh there’s a reason the high priest tore his clothes

Oh there’s a reason He multiplied the fish and loaves

Oh there’s a reason that He died and that He rose

He is God/ God the Son

Oh there’s a reason He can make you brand new

Take all the shame and sin and remove it from you

Oh there’s a reason that there’s still an empty tomb

He is Lord/ King Jesus



He can’t just be a good teacher

He’s either liar or lunatic, or He’s telling the truth



Over 80 times He’s called the

Son of Man in the New Testament/ Go on and read

The scriptures that testify of Him in Daniel 7:13

And 14 to find out/ What the Son of Man is about

The eternal Son of God, found

Oh He knew Who He was – Oh

The King of Kings/ Now I know whose I am – Oh

Child of the King


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10. Bacterial Flagellum (Irreducible Complexities)


Charles Darwin said if it could be demonstrated that any complex organ existed which could not possibly have been formed by numerous, successive slight modifications, my theory, Darwinian Evolution, would completely break down



Introducing the bac-bac-terial flagellum

Talking about the bac-bac

Talking about the bac-bac

It’s the bac-bacterial flagellum



The bacterial flagellum proves

The Darwinian Evolution they’re teaching in our schools

Is dead wrong/ The errors of evo

Lution they sell us/ Sends us headlong into hell but

Some bacteria swim by rotating their flagella

The bacterial flagellum’s like a rotary propeller

The way it moves/ Is like something blower air in your cellar

They say it’s truly/ The most efficient motor developed

That it moves/ Much different than a cilium, fellas

Ciliums still need help/ They act more like an oar

But the flagellum leads well/ It’s like a motor

Rotating rapidly, wow/ The flagellum is a long chorded

Hairlike filament, developed/ By the Lord/ It’s gorgeous/ Honestly



It’s got a rotor that rotates, a stationary stator

Over 40 different parts in this amazing innovation

Can’t be evolution that brought it about

It points to God Almighty with unlimited power

It’s the bac-bacterial

Flagellum/ Here we go

I drop the facts on your stereo

So you can spread this news all across the globe



The flagellum is embedded in the cell mem/ brane/ Important

Incredible/ So cool and alluring

The external/ Filament is admittedly

Consisting exquisitely/ Of a single type of protein that’s fitting, see

Cause it’s called Flagellin/ Let’s explain its workings vividly

Flagellin filament’s the paddle surface, definitely

Contacting the liquid during swimming/ That’s purposefully

At the end of the flagellum filament near the cell’s surface you see

There’s a bulge in the thickness/ Of the flagellum/ Oh it’s this

Bulge though where the filament attaches so quick, yes

To the rotor drive/ This is codified by the science

This whole defined attachment material would be comprised then

Of something called a hook protein, so exciting

The motor rotating the filament propeller’s occupying

A location at the base of the flagellum/ This is vital

Hope you get insight by the wisdom in this rhyme yo

This is right where modern electron

Microscopy shows several ring structures

Occur/ Hope you get it/ This is the recipe

Of an irreducible complexity



It’s got a rotor that rotates, a stationary stator

Over 40 different parts in this amazing innovation

Can’t be evolution that brought it about

It points to God Almighty with unlimited power

It’s the bac-bacterial

Flagellum/ Here we go

I drop the facts on your stereo

So you can spread this news all across the globe



The M-Ring’s the motor/ S-Ring the stator/ It’s apparent and

Biochemists were shocked at the rotary nature in experiments

Unlike other systems or scanned components we characterize

Like muscles that generate mechanical motion/ There is this

Bacterial-motor that does not directly

Use energy stored up that’s all supplied and ready

in-a-carrier molecule such as ATP/ I can see

To move the flagellum, it uses the energy

Generated/ So incredibly activated of course

By a flow of acid

Through the bacterial membrane/ Because it’s

Made of at least 3 irrefutable parts/ There’s

A paddle, rotor, and motor, it’s irreducibly complex

And there’s about 40 other proteins we assess

Are needed for function

Signals to turn the motor on and off plus

The bushing proteins to allow the flagellum

To penetrate through the cell membrane and cell wall

Proteins to assist in the assembly of the structure

And proteins regulating the production

Of the proteins for the flagellum/ That’s the recipe

Of an irreducible complexity

Which is a complex system that’s useless if it’s missing

One part like a mousetrap with no spring

That’s an irreducible complexity

The bacterial flagellum points to God, now sing



It’s got a rotor that rotates, a stationary stator

Over 40 different parts in this amazing innovation

Can’t be evolution that brought it about

It points to God Almighty with unlimited power

It’s the bac-bacterial

Flagellum/ Here we go

I drop the facts on your stereo

So you can spread this news all across the globe


11. How The Eye Sees (Complexity)


Let me tell you how the eye sees/ It shows God

When light strikes the retina, a photon

Interacts with a small molecule called

11 cis retinal/ Let’s move forward

This molecule

Rearrang-es within picoseconds to

Go quickly to make transretinal

A picosecond

Is the time passing

For light to travel

A human hair

That’s super small

The change in the shape of the retinal

Molecule forces

A change in the shape contour yes

Of the protein rhodopsin/ Of course which

Was tightly bound to the retina

The-protein rhodopsin’s metamorphosis

Alters its behavior/ Thus

This makes it stick to another protein called transducin, yup



Hey/ This is how the eye sees

More complex than an SUV

Creation of God in biochemistry

So we can see beauty in our E-Y-Es


This is Jesus cre

Ating our ability to S-E-E

You don’t really think that these processes

Happened by chance, it was G-O-D



Now before bumping into acti

Vated rhodopsin, transducin had then

Tightly bound a small molecule that is

Called GDP

Listen close/ So you can grasp this easily

When transducin interacts with acti

Vated rhodopsin, the GDP actua

Lly falls off fast and a molecule that is

Called GTP binds-to-transducin/ Facts

Now GTP is closely related

To GDP but also they are

Critically different, guys

GTP-transducin-activated rhodopsin now binds

To a protein called phospho/ Diesterase

That we both see is all lo/ Cated in the inner membrane

Of the cell/ And-there’s-more-to-grasp to see

Shout out to Michael Behe in this R-A-P



Hey/ This is how the eye sees

More complex than an SUV

Creation of God in biochemistry

So we can see beauty in our E-Y-Es


This is Jesus cre

Ating our ability to S-E-E

You don’t really think that these processes

Happened by chance, it was G-O-D



Now let’s stay on topic

When the phospho/ Diesterase is attached to activated rhodopsin

And its entourage, the phosphodiester

Ase acquires the ability to chemically lacer

Ate or cut a molecule that is

Called cGMP/ This happens to

Be a chemical relative of

Both GDP and GTP/ Initi

Ally there are a lot of cGM

P molecules in the cell but wait man

The phosphodiesterase lowers its concentration

Just like a basic

Pulled plug lowers the water in a bathtub

These steps all happen when we casually see a glass cup

And there’s more, keep grasping the rhyme and beat

Another membrane protein the binds the c

GMP is called/ The ion channel

It acts as a gateway

That regulates a

Certain number of sodium ions

That are all in the vital

Cell/ Normally guys the

Appropriate ion

Channel goes and allows

These sodium ions to flow into the cell while

A separate protein actively pumps them out

These are just some of the steps that give us vision now



Hey/ This is how the eye sees

More complex than an SUV

Creation of God in biochemistry

So we can see beauty in our E-Y-Es


This is Jesus cre

Ating our ability to S-E-E

You don’t really think that these processes

Happened by chance, it was G-O-D



The dual action

Of the ion channel that’s there

And the pump keeps the level of the mass of

Sodium ions that the cell has all

Within a narrow range/ Dazzling

Grasp it/ When the amount of

CGMP is reduced because

Of cleavage by the phosphodies

Terase, then the ion channel does

Close, causing the concentration

Of those/ Positively charged sodium


To be reduced/ This reduction

Of the sodium ions causes just an

Imbalance of charge then across this

Cell membrane that finally causes

A current to be transmitted down the

Optic nerve to the brain/ It’s not chance/ It’s G-O/ D



Hey/ This is how the eye sees

More complex than an SUV

Creation of God in biochemistry

So we can see beauty in our E-Y-Es


This is Jesus cre

Ating our ability to S-E-E

You don’t really think that these processes

Happened by chance, it was G-O-D


12. Mr. Teacher (DNA)


Those schools want you to be closed

Following their rules, never questioning what they wrote

But no/ Cause they don’t teach on the Lord

They want us to believe we came from monkeys in the forest



No, the information inside

Of the simplest DNA molecule is like

1,000 30-volume encyclopedias, so where’d that come from?



Oh Mr. Teacher, where’d that information

Come from in the very first DNA

Mr. Teacher, where’d we get that information

In the very first DNA

You say because I believe God exists

I must be dumber than a pile of bricks

So if evolution proves that I’m dumb

Where’d the first DNA get that information from


Chorus 2:

Watch his eyes explode

Watch his head blow

Watch the smoke rise up too

As he kicks you out of his classroom



Did you know that there’s actually 2 types of evolution

Micro and macro – may seem confusing

Micro’s like dog-breeding

Evolution within a species, ya’ll see it

But there’s no evidence

Of evolution happening outside of a species

Oh ask your teacher this question then

Well how did we get all of this complexity?



Oh Mr. Teacher, where’d that information

Come from in the very first DNA

Mr. Teacher, where’d we get that information

In the very first DNA

You say because I believe God exists

I must be dumber than a pile of bricks

So if evolution proves that I’m dumb

Where’d the first DNA get that information from


Chorus 2:

Watch his eyes explode

Watch his head blow

Watch the smoke rise up too

As he kicks you out of his classroom


Watch his eyes explode

Watch his head blow

Watch the smoke rise up too

As he kicks you out of his classroom



Oh Mr. Teacher, where’d that information

Come from in the very first DNA

Mr. Teacher, where’d we get that information

In the very first DNA

You say because I believe God exists

I must be dumber than a pile of bricks

So if evolution proves that I’m dumb

Where’d the first DNA get that information from


Chorus 2:

Watch his eyes explode

Watch his head blow

Watch the smoke rise up too

As he kicks you out of his classroom


Watch his eyes explode

Watch his head blow

Watch the smoke rise up too

As he kicks you out of his classroom


13. Also Our Minds (Objective vs. Subjective Truth)


Some people say truth can’t be known/ That’s bonkers

See to make that statement proves you’re wrong, cause

You’re saying it’s true that there’s no truth/ Put on your binoculars

Can’t you see the discrepancy you’re offering

Do you see the contradiction?

Your statement claims truth’s a constant fiction

Yet at the same time, you think what you are spitting

Is true/ That error’s self-inflicted

A self-defeating statement/ A sinking pavement

Self-refuting/ Means it doesn’t make sense

Doesn’t satisfy its own standards of reasoning

It’s like saying, “No words I write have meaning”

Well does that mean something, pumpkin

Peep wisdom kid/ So we can defeat the bupkis

Moral relativists have attacked our institutions, yes

I’m dropping facts up on this song

I’ve got to ask you a question

Did you know there was a difference split

Between objective truth and al

So subjective truth/ I’ll tell you more

But you’ve got to listen closely

The world is trying to brainwash ya

And I’m here to bring you that Holy Ghost fire

Prophesied by Elijah



Jesus You gave us life

You paid the ultimate sacrifice

We love You with not just our hearts but also our minds

Now and forever, King Jesus



Objective truth/ Means it’s true about the

Object in question, like announcing

That ice cream is made with cream / No doubt, yup

It’s true whether or not I believe it is, while

Subjective truth is true of the person

Making the statement like if my verse said

“Ice cream’s the best”/ That’s subjective

It’s true about me/ The subject, yet it’s

Not an objective truth I’m stating

It’s important when communicating

To separate these ordered two to stay in

Their respective corners of containment

People making all sorts of these claims that

Are just their opinions dressed as plain truth

Those are subjective demonstrations

But when I say that God exists, I’m making

An objective statement

Because without God there’s no objectivity

There is nothing objective that could be

True/ Just our opinions and our feelings

You need a standard outside of us

To compare us to/ Straight line far from us

That we can try to come up to

That straight line is God the Father Who loves us



Jesus You gave us life

You paid the ultimate sacrifice

We love You with not just our hearts but also our minds

Now and forever, King Jesus


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14. Scholars Say (1 Corinthians 15)


1 Corinthians 15:3-8

Is a creed that says Jesus died on a cross and rose the 3rd day


Pre 1:

It says He appeared to Peter and the 12, then 500 at once

And He appeared to James, and last of all to Paul



Scholars say Paul received this creed He copied only

About 3 to 8 years after Jesus was crucified

So if Paul received it soon after the cross

Then it was circulating the early church before

So Christians were dying in the 30s AD

For the fact that Jesus rose on day 3



1 Corinthians 15:3-8

Is a creed that Paul includes in His letter to the Corinthians with peace and grace


Pre 2:

Paul writes this letter in about 54 AD

But this creed from verses 3 through 8 is dated much earlier



Scholars say Paul received this creed He copied only

About 3 to 8 years after Jesus was crucified

So if Paul received it soon after the cross

Then it was circulating the early church before

So Christians were dying in the 30s AD

For the fact that Jesus rose on day 3



It’s too early for legend/ Just a few years after Jesus rose

This creed is a weapon/ To slay the lies that our scripture’s too old

So let the kingdom of heaven/ Erupt in your life

No more half-stepping/ I’m all in for Jesus Christ



Scholars say Paul received this creed He copied only

About 3 to 8 years after Jesus was crucified

So if Paul received it soon after the cross

Then it was circulating the early church before

So Christians were dying in the 30s AD

For the fact that Jesus rose on day 3


15. Transgender


Transgender/ Or gender dysphoria’s real

We can’t ignore it is

But we can’t forget that

There’s only 0.6% who identify this as normal

So let’s cancel the agenda

Or my religious freedom won’t be tolerated no less

So I’ll stand for my God, country

You can’t take my freedom, my guns, or my Jesus, yes



Gender dysphoria is when someone is upset because they were

Biologically assigned a boy but they

Really feel like they should be a girl but yo

That is abnormal and

That has been treated for ages

As psychologically induced or created

But now they are forcing it down in our grade schools

To not just tolerate it/ But make all of us change our ways and

How dare I speak up, it’s insulting

I should be banned in this cancel culture

Crazy right-winger like Ann Coulter

Shut down his Facebook/ Knock him off his soap box/ Let’s go now

But there’s no attack on conservatives

Just cause they’re the only ones getting censored in this

Ayatollah Komeini could say to murder Jews

And not a peep/ His tweet would be heard and shared/ But let’s get back to



Transgender/ Or gender dysphoria’s real

We can’t ignore it is

But we can’t forget that

There’s only 0.6% who identify this as normal

So let’s cancel the agenda

Or my religious freedom won’t be tolerated no less

So I’ll stand for my God, country

You can’t take my freedom, my guns, or my Jesus, yes



The question emerging/ If gender is biologically determined

How do we account for people whose gender can

Change from one day to the next

From hour to hour/ Minute to minute

And yet/ If our gender identity is

Self-created, why must others accept

Our truth as their reality

Where’s the science experiment touting these?

Explain why a person’s real sex is determined

By just an inner gender identity

But age, height, and further race, and species certainly

Are not determined this way/ How interesting

Now transgender activists could say identity is just an inner sense of self

But if that’s the map for this, then gender identity’s merely a disclosure of how one person felt

Explain to me guys/ Why the feeling of being a male or female

Or both, or neither makes someone that way or why

Transgender beliefs undermine

Reality blind/ It’s a fallacy/ Lie



Transgender/ Or gender dysphoria’s real

We can’t ignore it is

But we can’t forget that

There’s only 0.6% who identify this as normal

So let’s cancel the agenda

Or my religious freedom won’t be tolerated no less

So I’ll stand for my God, country

You can’t take my freedom, my guns, or my Jesus, yes



Oh why would I open this prison

Well they’re starting our children with social transitioning

In kindergarten they’re starting to physically

Alter our kids, even if parents aren’t listening

They’re giving puberty blockers at 9

If your girls a tomboy, sorry, now she’s a Tom

Cross-sex hormones at 16, surgery applied

Forget that these drugs have long-term health issues?

Why are we so blind?

80 to 95% of children

Not pressured to change grow out of that feeling

I don’t want men in bathrooms with our little women

Or boys on field trips sleeping next to your sweet Kristen

I’m sorry/ But there’s a big difference

Between boys and girls, and it is significant

Differences in size, shape, bone length and density

We differ in emotional propensity

People who have had transitional surgery are 19 times more likely to urgently

Strike their own lives/ That’s right, suicide is 19 times more likely to arise

Does that sound like an option that’s effective and

What about girls who compete in athletics?

They would have gotten scholarships paying for college there

Then a boy takes them/ Is that really fair?/ No!



Transgender/ Or gender dysphoria’s real

We can’t ignore it is

But we can’t forget that

There’s only 0.6% who identify this as normal

So let’s cancel the agenda

Or my religious freedom won’t be tolerated no less

So I’ll stand for my God, country

You can’t take my freedom, my guns, or my Jesus, yes


16. Socialism's Not New


What is socialism?

Set-up socialism means that instead of

Me owning my house, the state now is the head of it

You give the power of ownership now to collectivists

So you’re new house is given out to the collective, which

Basically own your home

Manage your house, getting it

Turns out your home pad’s now some bureaucratic debt for the

Government to control how to run your business and home entirely

Cause they have a great track record of spending money wisely

They say it’s different, democratic socialism except that it’s

A carbon clone of normal socialism – no deficit

Except they’ll never support a government other than

The one in which democratic elections are held – how comforting

Why is it that there’s a million people risking their lives

To come into our country if we’re so evil – it’s lies

Of course we’re not perfect, but we are the best country

And socialism fails constantly



Socialism’s not new/ It has never worked in history

Cause it’s a failing system – it’s no mystery

You should do a Google search for it

It always leads to violence and death – look up these reports

Angola in 1977/ Cambodia in 1975

Nazi Germany in the 1930s and 40s

Cuba and China in 1959

Romania in ‘46/ Vietnam in the 1960s

Zimbabwe in ‘83/ Look at Venezuela today

Socialism has never worked and it never will

It’s a system that fails/ Keep free markets in the U.S.A.



What about the Nordic countries?

Like Sweden, Denmark, and Finland

Norway/ Aren’t they brilliance/ Of socialistic resilience

No/ Just think about it/ We’ve got 300 million people

They’ve got 5 to 10 million/ That’s a big deal, yeah

We’ve got 20 states larger or comparable to that figure

You want to be like them?/ 90% of their countries white/ No kidding

Same culture type/ But did you know their tax hikes are ridiculous?

Their lower and middle-income families pay twice our taxes

In Denmark, if you earn $60,000 or more

You pay 60% in taxes, plus more for

A VAT tax of 25% at the store

But at least they have free college, right?

Are you for sure?

70% of their Swedish students take out student loans

And their college graduates only earn 9% more for it

While US graduates earn 65% more silly

But at least they’ve got free health care, right?

Oh really?

In Sweden, more than half of the Swedes

Have private insurance

Cause the government insurance happens to be/ Unsatisfactory

Limited coverage and long waiting periods are baffling

No choice or limited choice on your doctor/ It’s saddening

The average wait for Canadian patients needing

Orthopedic surgery’s 14 weeks of sitting there, grieving

In the United States, it’s 11 days

You really want to wait 3 months to have surgery on your broken leg?



Socialism’s not new/ It has never worked in history

Cause it’s a failing system – it’s no mystery

You should do a Google search for it

It always leads to violence and death – look up these reports

Angola in 1977/ Cambodia in 1975

Nazi Germany in the 1930s and 40s

Cuba and China in 1959

Romania in ‘46/ Vietnam in the 1960s

Zimbabwe in ‘83/ Look at Venezuela today

Socialism has never worked and it never will

It’s a system that fails/ Keep free markets in the U.S.A.



More than a hundred-million

People were killed or imprisoned

By socialist and communist parties in the 20 century

You want free college?/ Why should someone else pay for that conquest

A degree that only benefits you in this laborious contest

Venezuela was the 4th richest/ Nation, a model of core success

In 1960, now it’s the porta potty of socialists

No one looking for economic opportunity

Or liberty is banging down the door of Cuba or Venezuela

Some of the poorest ghettos in America live better than

Most all other people currently walking Earth’s weathered lands

The typical poor US family the census compares

Has A/C, cable, TV and a computer, and cell-phone plans

Just because the rich get richer doesn’t mean it’s unfair

Doesn’t mean the poor get poorer, or their life doesn’t improve with care

Where freedom exists, there will always be inequity found

We can all just think about it/ Put 10 people in a room now

Give them all $100,000 equally, then bounce

Then come back in one year, and see if they’ve all still got equal amounts

One invested, another bought a home, another bought a car

One rose to start a business/ Another drank it away in bars

More than 70% of billionaires didn’t inherit their fortunes

They started businesses, took risks, and changed their family’s courses

Only in Capitalism can this happen to visitors

American’s been freer, safer and wealthier from this

And people are more likely to work harder, efficiently and longer days

When they’re motivated by a reward for themselves and their families

Bill Gates has given over 50 billion dollars away

Without Capitalism, none of this would have been possible today



Socialism’s not new/ It has never worked in history

Cause it’s a failing system – it’s no mystery

You should do a Google search for it

It always leads to violence and death – look up these reports

Angola in 1977/ Cambodia in 1975

Nazi Germany in the 1930s and 40s

Cuba and China in 1959

Romania in ‘46/ Vietnam in the 1960s

Zimbabwe in ‘83/ Look at Venezuela today

Socialism has never worked and it never will

It’s a system that fails/ Keep free markets in the U.S.A.