Does Science Disprove the Bible Truth Card

We have much more to say about this in our blog post, "Science and God".

Table of Contents:

5 Most Important Things To Focus On

1.  The information inside of DNA

2.  The Big Bang

3.  The Fine-Tuning of the Universe

4.  The Fossil Record

5.  Irreducible Complexities

We will give you a brief overview of each one, but if you would like MORE INFORMATION, check out our blog post, "Science and God".

1. The Information Inside of DNA

Atheist scientists, including Richard Dawkins, have said that the amount of information inside of even the simplest DNA molecule that could have existed as life began in our universe is equal to 1,000 23-volume Encyclopedia Brittanica sets, which is equivalent to about a MILLION typed pages of information. 

Where did that information come from?

This is not just random information, but specific information - a language.

Dr. Stephen Meyer pointed this out in 2009, in his seminal book, "Signature in the Cell" (listed below).

Anywhere else in our world, where we experience a code, we know there is a coder behind that code, an intelligent mind.  

Anywhere else where we experience a specific language in our world, we know that there is a mind behind that language.  There is meaning there, and that meaning did not just come about as a random cosmic accident.

The language or code inside of our DNA had to come from somewhere.  An intelligent mind (AKA God) is the most reasonable inference. 


2. The Big Bang

There are only 2 options - either the universe is eternal, OR whatever or Whoever created the universe is eternal.

For decades, scientists fought the idea that the universe could have been created at a certain point, because this of course infers some type of GREATER mind which created it, thus pointing to God.

However, the finding of background radiation from the Big Bang, as well as the red-shift in stars and galaxies (implying they were expanding away from us (and so, started expanding out at some point in the past)) led most scientists to change their tune.

Scientists have found background radiation from the Big Bang, and this forced these scientists to concede that there was a beginning to our universe. 

This proves there was a point in time, or out of time you could say, where time, space and matter were first created.

Now whatever created time, space and matter couldn't Himself have been made of space, matter and yes, even time.

So who do we know Who is timeless, spaceless, and immaterial?



3. The Fine-Tuning Of the Universe

The Anthropic Principle basically states that it seems like the universe was created specifically for us, as humans ("anthropos" is Greek for human).

There seems to be a "fine-tuning" in all the dials of the universe which make our planet, Earth, habitable for us to live in.

If we were just a bit closer or a bit farther from the sun, we would all die.

If the expansion rate of the universe were a bit different, life would never have formed.

If the mass density of the universe were a bit different, life would never have formed.

The list goes on and on to the tune of over 200 different "Anthropic Constants" that need to be fine-tuned so specifically or life as we know it would not exist.

Does this point to a random accident where all of these different 200 constants "just happened" to all line up, or does it rather point to a Divine Intelligence (God) that has made our planet specifically habitable for us to exist?

I believe science points to a Divine Creator yet again.


4. The Fossil Record

The fossil record does not support Darwinian Evolution, with its idea of common descent, that everything (all of life), through the process of natural selection, all evolved randomly.

We would expect to see transitional fossils between one species and another species if that were true, and that is not what we find.

Sure, we find evidence of MICROEVOLUTION occurring (change WITHIN a species (like dog-breeding) but what we DO NOT find is the MACROEVOLUTION, (change outside of a species) necessary to warrant Darwinian Evolution true.

The late Harvard paleontologist, Stephen J. Gould, recognized this, and so tried to create a different theory to explain away the inconsistencies, called Punctuated Equilibrium, but this too comes up empty on evidence.

The fossil record actually points to large CREATIVE moments in time where many different phyla are created in a geologically small window of time, like the Cambrian Explosion.

So too, the fossil record seems to point to creation bursts, which fit better with a God.


5. Irreducible Complexities

Finally, scientists have found that there are certain biological entities, animals processes, etc. that could not have evolved in a Darwinian step-by-step gradualistic process.

Dr. Michael Behe, a biochemist who teaches at Lehigh University, discovered these finds and published them in a book called "Darwin's Black Box" (listed below) in 1996.

He highlighted certain biological structures and processes such as the Bombadier Beetle, the Bacterial Flagellum, and blood-clotting, which could not have evolved in this Darwinian step-by-step process.

The more scientists dig, the farther they look into space, and closer they see in our human bodies, the MORE it points to a Creator God.

That is why this is an exciting time to live in for scientists, and especially those of faith.


Resources For Further Study

Check out our Blog - "Science and God"

Check out these books under the "Does Science Disprove the Bible?" tab on our Book List.


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