October 14, 2021
Does science disprove God?
Not a chance. We will discuss science and God and how it becomes ever clearer that science points to God.
Here is a Table of Contents, for this God and science blog, if you would like to skip ahead to a particular section.
Let's get into it.
So what is the Big Bang?
Before I get into that, I just wanted to cover that there are either 1 of 2 possibilities for the universe: either the universe is eternal, or whatever or Whoever created the universe is eternal.
Well the Big Bang basically proves that the universe itself had a beginning, which means it is not eternal, which leaves only one option left...Whoever created the universe is eternal...God. Here is a quick video that goes over this concept:
Now let's talk about the Big Bang.
The Big Bang describes the moment when matter, space, and even time itself were first created. That's right, time...was...created. Let that sink in for a second.
Now if time never existed, then whatever created time had to be timeless. If space never existed, then whatever created space must have been spaceless. And if matter never existed, then whatever created matter must have been immaterial.
Who do we know that's timeless, spaceless and immaterial?
Unless you think that this all just happened by chance, and that nothing created something.
Here is a quick video talking about how time had to be created by a timeless Being:
The term "The Big Bang" was actually first coined by Sir Fred Hoyle, although Hoyle said the phrase in a mocking tone.
He, like much of the scientific community at the time, actually believed the universe was static and eternal, that it had always existed.
However, after Edwin Hubble discovered the red shift of stars and galaxies in 1929 (showing the universe was expanding), and after the discovery of cosmic background radiation (heat and light from the Big Bang explosion), the scientific consensus became that time, matter and space were truly created at a single point in time.
All this Big Bang and scientific talk might get a little complex, so here is a video that will break down some of the definitions we are going to be covering in this section:
The above video talks a bit about the cosmic background radiation from the Big Bang, and we also mentioned it above.
So what is the cosmic background radiation from the Big Bang? This quick video from our educational board game, gives a bit more information:
There are other models of the universe, besides the Big Bang, that some like to postulate, however the Big Bang is, in the scientific community and throughout the world, by far the most popular.
But I will cover a couple others in these next two quick videos, just so you have an idea of what they are.
The first is called the Oscillating Model, and I go over it in this quick video:
The next model is a bit more popular in the scientific community and is called the Multiverse Theory. I explain in greater detail below:
So now we know that science actually points to a moment when time, space and matter were created.
However, did God create it, or did it just evolve over time? In this next section, we are going to turn our attention to evolution.
In particular, we will discuss Darwinian Evolution, or macroevolution, which shook our world up when it was first proposed by Charles Darwin in 1859, in his book On the Origin of Species.
But is it true?
OK, so what do I mean problems with Darwinian Evolution? I mean, the majority of the scientific community vouches for this theory.
Well before I get into Darwinian Evolution, I need to define some key terms we are going to be going over. Who is Charles Darwin? What does evolution mean? What is natural selection? We will answer all these questions and more in this section's definitions video:
This science portion does have quite a few technical terms that it is important for you to familiarize yourself with as we dig further.
Now that you are a bit familiar with Charles Darwin, Darwinian evolution, and natural selection, I just have one more "definitions" video I would like you to watch that will help you better understand the upcoming science lessons.
So check it out:
Ok, now that you are up to speed on some of the key definitions you are going to need to be familiar with, let's proceed.
When dealing with evolution, there is a key distinction that needs to be made at the outset, and that is between macroevolution and microevolution.
The reason this distinction needs to be made is because Christians believe in one kind of evolution (microevolution) and dismiss the other (macroevolution).
Because microevolution (like dog breeding (change within a species)) is proven and happens every day, while macroevolution (change outside of a species) is NOT scientific.
Here is a quick video for further explanation:
This topic (macroevolution vs microevolution) is not something you want to just gloss over. It is SUPER important.
Because Darwinian evolutionists (what they are teaching us in schools today) try to group them together all in one category called, "evolution". And if you don't differentiate them, then someone will say you are STUPID for denying evolution because change within a species is scientifically proven.
But that is not what you are arguing against. You, as a Christian, DO believe in microevolution (change within a species (dog-breeding)); it is macroevolution (change outside of a species (worms evolving into humans)) that we are arguing.
Again, they will try and tell you that there IS NO difference and that they both are under the same umbrella, but that is false.
Staying on the topic of fossil evidence, let's go over one of the most shocking fossil discoveries called the "Cambrian Explosion".
The Cambrian Explosion basically disproves Darwin's theory of all organisms evolving in a gradualistic nature, as we see the onset of 95% of the animal phyla we have today over a relatively short period (from a geologic standpoint) of time.
Here are some more details in this video below:
Now that you know the difference between microevolution and macroevolution, let's get right into some of the lies, the so-called "Icons of Evolution" still showing up in school books throughout the world, that are either fabrications or straight-up lies.
In this video, we will be covering the Miller-Urey experiment, Darwin's Tree of Life, Haeckel's Drawings, and the Archaeopteryx.
So let's continue to lay some ground work for the major problems with Darwinian evolution.
Next we turn to what Dr. Stephen Meyer calls in his illustrious book, Signature in the Cell, specified complexity.
Atheist scientists, including Richard Dawkins, have postulated that the amount of information inside of even the simplest DNA molecule that could have existed as life began in our universe is equal to 1,000 23-volume Encyclopedia Brittanica sets, which is equivalent to about a MILLION typed pages of information.
Where did that information come from?
Let's break this down a bit further. Our DNA is made up of a language. Just like a computer code is made up of a series of ones and zeroes, so too our DNA is made up of a combination as well.
Except instead of ones and zeroes, our code exists of 4 letters, A, C, T, and G. Those stand for adenine, cytosine, thymine and guanine.
I don't want to get too complex with it, but just know that the combination of letters inside the DNA of every cell in your body directs the entire makeup of your entire body. The video below explains a bit more:
Let's take a quick break from our science exploration to make a philosophical observation.
William Paley, an 18th century philosopher, made his famous watchmaker argument, which points to God. I explain further in the video below:
OK, let's get back to science now as we close out this section.
Let's close out this section by talking about something called, "irreducible complexities". Dr. Michael Behe coined this term in his 1996 blockbuster book, Darwin's Black Box, and in it he points out that there are things in nature which can NOT be explained by Darwin's gradualistic explanation.
This quick video explains a bit of what I am talking about:
The video below goes into a bit more detail on one of the most amazing irreducible complexities, the "Bacterial Flagellum", and how it actually works.
So in this section, we have covered the difference between macroevolution and microevolution, the Cambrian Explosion, the so-called icons of evolution, the specified complexity of DNA, the watchmaker argument, and irreducible complexities.
In this next section, we will delve into the fine-tuning of the universe, which in and of itself, is compelling enough evidence to stun even the most ardent evolutionary scientists.
In this section, we will be exploring some of the amazing evidence that keeps many Darwinian evolutionists up at night.
The Anthropic Principle basically states that it seems like the universe was created specifically for us, as humans.
There seems to be a "fine-tuning" in all the dials of the universe which make our planet, Earth, habitable for us to live in.
Here is a quick "definitions" video for some of the content we will be covering in this section:
I discussed, in the video above, the videos by Dr. William Lane Craig. Here is a great one on Fine-Tuning that he put together that will more fully explain this concept:
As you study these anthropic constants, the data is just astounding.
Here in one final quick video in this section, on the Teleological argument.
So which evidence was the most surprising to you for why science actually points to God.
Was it the Big Bang, or Fine Tuning? Or maybe it was the holes that are in Macro Evolution or the discovery on information inside of DNA.
Let us know below in the comments section.